C&P#106: free graphic novel preview + BDX conference + big autism study
Lots of good state news
This week…
CBD extracts improving the lives of kids with autism
People want their edibles strong & will go to the black market for them
So many cancer studies + the canna-data presented at this year’s oncology meeting
In mice, cannabis oil makes friends friendlier via oxytocin
In rats, papas using cannabis causes problems in two generations of offspring
Kava causing painkilling via the ECS
Hello everyone,
Welcome to the 106th edition of Cannabinoids & the People, Lex Pelger’s free weekly digest of all the new cannabinoid science + assorted canna-news & psychedelic updates. On the cannabinoids, ask me anything.
Editor’s note:
Because of popular request, I added free samples of my canna-graphic novels to my site.
For ‘The CROWN’ (on the chemical hunt for the structure of CBN), here’s the PDF of the first 32 pages.
For ‘SUNset’ (on the Queers fighting for medical cannabis during the AIDS crisis), here’s the PDF of the first 14 pages.
Upcoming event: Science in the City, Oct 26 in Bordeaux & online
For everyone interested in cannabis & who wants to visit lovely Bordeaux (or attend virtually), the Science in the City event will be held here on Oct 26. It’s the first-ever medical cannabis program here in France & it comes from a women-led organization. They've got an array of excellent speakers on cannabis as well as other natural health topics & it’s a multicultural experience with French doctors as well as English, German & Italian thought leaders. Plus, it's held in the lovely Cité du Vin, a museum of wine & one of the architectural wonders of Bordeaux, with all local food & wine. Sign up here to attend & also follow Medical Resource Association, Inc. for more info.
Free resources (my Linktree)
See the extensive cannabinoid science archive I maintain for CV Sciences at CVResearch.info
Read my free How-To Guides or watch my 3-Minute Cannabinoid Science videos on YouTube or read my canna-science journalism here
As always, here’s the Glossary of Cannabinoid Terms & at the bottom is the album of the week
For more…
Subscribe here: upgrade to a paid subscription to support my work sharing cannabinoid science
Work with my company White Whale Creations to produce content for cannabis & psychedelic companies: writing, science archives, social media content, newsletters & podcasts: My portfolio
Buy ‘SUNset’, our Queer cannabis history graphic novel or ‘The CROWN’, our story of the hunt for the structure of CBN. To see more about this series of cannabis graphic novels based on Moby Dick, see lexpelger.com
A request to spread the word
This newsletter only spreads by word of mouth,
so please forward to colleagues & tell your friends & relatives.
Sponsor: Advice on restless leg syndrome from Parkinson’s: CBD, THC, CBN
Here’s an email from an old friend asking for advice & sharing their experience.
D’s partner has Parkinson’s disease. One of the problems is restless leg syndrome. He says, “Every doctor we have talked to has said there in no known remedy. Lately I have been giving her a dose of PlusCBD Extra Strength Formula Full Spectrum Hemp Extract with Monk Fruit, 250 mg, 10 mg per serving. It seems to help but I am just shooting in the dark with this and was wondering if you would recommend any other product that CV Science has for sleeping and restless leg? By the way, I continue to take tablets daily and, remarkably, my sciatic nerve problem has disappeared for the most part. For me it has been a miracle.”
I responded by saying that there’s two cannabinoids worth considering: THC & CBN.
For THC, these Reserve gummies provide 2.5 mg each. You can also get them with 5 mg of THC - or you can get them in capsule form if you don't like gummies.
2.5 mg of THC is enough she might get slightly high - so you can cut them in half while you're figuring out your dosage.
For CBN, there's these Reserve Sleep products that have CBD, THC, CBN & melatonin. So there's a lot going on in there. But for my wife, they were huge for helping her sleep more.
So start with just adding THC to see if that works - and then try with the full combo to see if that works better.
The coupon code for 30% off is LEX.
My work this week:
My TikToks:
(@lexpelgerandhisbooks or on YouTube)
Our canna-graphic novels based on Moby Dick (a description of my two books)
Ways to support this work:
A paid subscription on Substack
Buy Me a Coffee
Venmo: @Lex-Pelger
PayPal: donate here
The Canna-Science Writeup:
Analysis of the week's best papers, sponsored by CV Sciences
In children with moderate to severe autism, CBD-rich extracts caused significant improvements
Clinical and Family Implications of Cannabidiol (CBD)-Dominant Full-Spectrum Phytocannabinoid Extract in Children and Adolescents with Moderate to Severe Non-Syndromic Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): An Observational Study on Neurobehavioral Management
Brazil continues to be one of the leading places for research on the use of cannabinoids for children with autism. In this study of 30 children and adolescents from the ages of 5 to 18 with moderate to severe autism spectrum disorder (ASD), they were given full-spectrum extracts with a ratio of 33:1 CBD:THC for an average of six months. The doses started at 1 mg/kg (~18 mg for a 5-year-old) and on individualized plans reached an average of ~3 mg/kg. To determine results, the participants were given neuropsychiatric evaluations by their clinicians and their caregivers were interviewed. As the researchers concluded, “we found significant improvements in various symptomatic and non-symptomatic aspects of ASD, with minimal untoward effects”. The improvements observed included…
· increased communication skills
· improved attention and learning
· more eye contact
· diminished aggression and irritability
· an overall increase in both the patient’s and family’s quality of life
None of the caregivers reported worsening of symptoms and at least 80% of them reported improvements in quality-of-life measurements. The effects were particularly strong for lessening meltdowns, temper tantrums, and aggressiveness. In addition, almost 75% of the participants reduced or halted the use of one or more other medications.
On a personal note, one of the reasons I’m passionate about cannabinoids for autism is because of my young cousin who was on a trajectory to never leave parental care because of his ASD. But after trying many things to help, his mother somewhat reluctantly tried CBD-rich full-spectrum extracts. A few months of low doses (~10 to 20 mg per day) gradually changed everything for him. Years later, his life is much more independent than his mother would have imagined. And he hasn’t stopped taking the CBD since. (I have a guess that part of the benefits here come from the ability of cannabinoids to grow new brain cells and create new synaptic connections - but that’s just a guess. That research is currently too difficult to do in humans – and anyway, it’s the interviews with the caregivers that matter in the end). Everyone responds differently, but if you know someone with a moderate to severe level of autism, full-spectrum hemp extracts are worth exploring.
For more research, see the Autism page of CVResearch.info.
German public health data of cannabinoids for psychiatric disorders found a positive effect in the majority of cases
Cannabinoid Drugs in the Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders - Data from the German Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices
The Germans have had medical cannabis/cannabinoids since 2017. Any doctors who prescribed it was required to take part in a survey by the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices. Of those 16,000 case reports, over 5,000 involved the use of cannabinoids for psychiatric disorders. The majority of those were for somatoform disorders which include
· conversion disorder (neurological symptoms not explained by medical conditions)
· somatic symptom disorder (chronic physical symptoms that cause excessive thoughts and behaviors related to the symptoms)
· illness anxiety disorder (formerly known as hypochondria)
· body dysmorphic disorder
· pain disorder (chronic pain not explained by a medical condition).
The majority of treatments (80%) involved dronabinol, a synthetic pharmaceutical form of THC. But it should be noted that patients elsewhere tend to not like dronabinol. It can be a strong dose of psychoactivity with no moderating influence from anything else in the plant (a ‘horse kick’ someone once told me). Despite this, for this rather unusual array of mental health conditions seized on by German psychiatrists, overall the “doctors reported a positive effect on symptoms in at least 75% of the cases”.
More studies can be seen on the Mental Health page of CVResearch.info.
In adults with one year of medical cannabis use, brain imaging showed no significant neural effects
Impact of year-long cannabis use for medical symptoms on brain activation during cognitive processes
One worry with long-term medical cannabis use is neurocognitive effects. In this observational cohort study over three years, medical cannabis patients agreed to fMRI brain scans during tests in the domains of working memory, reward, and inhibitory control. They were tested before they began medical cannabis and compared to a control group. After a year of use, the functional imaging showed “no statistically significant difference in brain activation” between those with medical cannabis cards and those without.
Best Of Cannabinoid Science...
For healthcare providers, a new free guide for prescribing cannabinoid-based medicines from the Medical Cannabis Clinicians Society
In adults with drug-resistant epilepsy, CBD-rich hemp oil reduced seizures ~80% though half of them were nonresponders who saw seizure increases
Cannabidiol-enriched oil for adult patients with drug-resistant epilepsy: Prospective clinical and electrophysiological study
From New York's medical cannabis program, evidence suggested that medical cannabis availability reduced past month self-reported poor mental health days by nearly 10% & that “medical cannabis access has positive health impacts or populations, likely through pain relief”
Medical Cannabis Availability and Mental Health: Evidence from New York's Medical Cannabis Program
A meta-analysis found prenatal cannabis use linked to an increased risk of ventricular septal defects (a hole in the infant’s heart at birth)
The Risk of Ventricular Septal Defects Associated With Prenatal Marijuana Exposure: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
In a longitudinal cohort study from the UK, use of high potency cannabis at age 16 or 18 was associated with a 2x likelihood of experiencing a psychotic event from the age of 19 to 24
Incident psychotic experiences following self-reported use of high-potency cannabis: Results from a longitudinal cohort study
Nevada public health data reported a rise in cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome
Trends of emergency department visits for cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome in Nevada: An interrupted time series analysis
A case report of neuropathic optical damage from acute inhaled cannabis
Bilateral Optic Neuropathy Associated with Acute Inhaled Marijuana Use: Case Report and Review of the Literature
A review of the harms of phytocannabinoids & synthetic cannabinoids
A critical assessment of the abuse, dependence and associated safety risks of naturally occurring and synthetic cannabinoids
In rats whose fathers used cannabis, they had significant decreases in weight gain while their children had greater body weights as well as changes in local motor activity & a preference for opiate drugs
Persisting neurobehavioral consequences of daily or intermittent paternal cannabis administration in F1 and F2 Rats
And in male mice, CBD impaired sperm quality & function (but only in one of the several factors tested)
Cannabidiol impairs sperm quality and function in adult mice
For COVID & other viral infections, a review of the immunomodulatory effects of cannabinoids
Immunomodulatory effects of cannabinoids against viral infections: a review of its potential use in SARS-CoV2 infection
And a computer analysis of cannabinoids as potential inhibitors of the SARS-CoV-2
Exploring Cannabinoids as Potential Inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 Papain-like Protease: Insights from Computational Analysis and Molecular Dynamics Simulations
A review on the acute cognitive & psychiatric effects of the cannabinoids
Acute cognitive and psychiatric effects of cannabinoids
For the health conditions of veterans, a large report from Australia on the effects of cannabinoids & psychedelics
Emerging and Adjunct Treatments for Common Mental Health Conditions Affecting Veterans: A Rapid Evidence Assessment
A big review of the novel cannabinoids & how they bind to receptors
A systematic review of novel cannabinoids and their targets: Insights into the significance of structure in activity
A review of the genetic variants of the CB2 receptor
Single nucleotide polymorphisms in the cannabinoid CB2 receptor: Molecular pharmacology and disease associations
“In the CNR2 coding exon [the part that gets transcribed], ~36 SNPs [single nucleotide polymorphisms] have high overall population prevalence (minor allele frequencies [MAF] ~37%), including non-synonymous SNP (ns-SNP) rs2501432 encoding CB2 63Q/R. Interspersed are ~27 lower frequency SNPs, four being ns-SNPs. CNR2 introns also harbour numerous SNPs. This review summarises CB2 ns-SNP molecular pharmacology and evaluates evidence from ~70 studies investigating CB2 genetic variants with proposed linkage to disease.”
In mice, cannabis oil promoted social interaction & ultrasonic communication via the oxytocin pathways
Cannabis Sativa Oil Promotes Social Interaction and Ultrasonic Communication by Acting on Oxytocin Pathway
And a follow up analysis of their communication
Exploring ultrasonic communication in mice treated with Cannabis sativa oil: Audio data processing and correlation study with different behaviours
In mice undergoing alcohol withdrawal, CBD alone reduced anxiety behaviors after 24 hours while 3:1 CBD:THC had mixed effects
Effects of cannabidiol, with and without ∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol, on anxiety-like behavior following alcohol withdrawal in mice
In a rat model of obesity & insulin resistance, CBG improved membrane phospholipids, enriched fatty acid pools & inhibited local inflammation suggesting it as a “new potential medical application in the treatment of obesity-related metabolic disorders”
Cannabigerol–A useful agent restoring the muscular phospholipids milieu in obese and insulin-resistant Wistar rats?
In aging rats, hemp seed oil suppressed pathogenic gut bacteria & facilitated the proliferation of good gut bacteria
The Therapeutic Potential of Hemp Seed Oil in D-Galactose-Induced Aging Rat Model Was Determined through the Combined Assessment of 1H NMR Metabolomics and 16S rRNA Gene Sequencing
In a rat model of Pavlovian learning, blocking CB1 signaling in the dorsomedial striatal region of the brain ( a regulator of the shift from flexible to habitual behavior) lessened the learning & made their behavior more rigid in males but not females
Sex specific effects of dorsomedial striatal cannabinoid receptor-1 signaling on Pavlovian outcome devaluation
And in a mouse model of aging, CB1 receptors in the hypothalamus reduced proinflammatory activation of the glial cells (brain support cells), decreased expression of insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor (IGF-1R) & caused an overall reduction in age-related inflammation
Local cannabinoid receptor type-1 regulates glial cell activity and insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor signaling in the mediobasal hypothalamus
And in the mouse visual cortex, endocannabinoids regulated its maturation & plasticity via DAGL & GABA
Layer specific regulation of critical period timing and maturation of mouse visual cortex by endocannabinoids
One of the ingredients of kava caused its painkilling effects via the CB1 receptor
Yangonin, one of the kavalactones isolated from Piper methysticum G. Forst, acts through cannabinoid 1 (CB1) receptors to induce an intrathecal anti-hyperalgesia
One more for our list of traditional plant medicines utilizing the endocannabinoid system...
the Headlines & Fav Articles
The California State Fair will have on-site sales & consumption for the first time as well as their long-running cannabis awards competition
Finally, a breath of sanity. I dream of a day when my kids are confused as to why we ever treated this plant any differently than tomatoes or tobacco.
Portland Pickles becomes first baseball team to allow THC drink sales at their stadium
Hats off to Minnesota for codifying a court decision that ended the smell of cannabis being used as a justification to search vehicles
In Colorado, less youth are using cannabis since legalization & they also report it’s harder to find
An analysis of hemp farmers in Kentucky & what makes the crop economically attractive
What Makes Hemp Economically Attractive? A Case of Kentucky Hemp Farmers
“The regression analysis results show that Kentucky hemp acreage positively responds to an increase in cannabidiol (CBD) biomass price. When CBD prices increase by 10%, hemp acreage would increase by approximately 1%.”
Therefore, with CBD prices crashing these last years, the acreage of hemp planted in the US has plummeted as well. Despite rather cynical political promises, hemp was never going to save the farmers, especially when all it would take is three big farms in the Midwest to supply the entire nation's CBD needs.
History Corner: 600s BCE: Aesop’s Fables contained hemp
#21 - Destroy the seed of evil, or it will grow up to your ruin
“The proverb is used at the end of the fable The Swallow and the Other Birds. It tells the story of a swallow bird and other birds. They were picking seeds sown by the countrymen. The swallow bird cautioned other birds to pick up the hemp seeds; otherwise, they would repent. The other birds did not listen to the swallow, and the hemp seed grew, and the countrymen made cords and nets from the hemp. The countrymen used the same trap to catch the birds.”
(Is AI the new hemp?)
The Dutch experiment with regulated cannabis production has expanded to 10 cities
When we go up there to visit family this summer, I'll let you know how it's going.
On the environmental impact of the Canadian cannabis industry
Greener green: The environmental impacts of the Canadian cannabis industry
A thesis project on cannabis tourism in Canada & the Netherlands
Case Study on the Impact of Cannabis Legalization: Understanding through Canada & the Netherlands
The Laws, The War on Drugs & the End of Prohibition
A review of the FDA's thumbtwiddling on cannabis by friend of the newsletter Dr. Jahan Marcu
The role of FDA in defining cannabis and hemp: a brief perspective on the future of cannabis regulation in the United states
In a driving simulator, a cannabis edible with 7.3 mg of THC had minor impacts on driving
The effect of cannabis edibles on driving and blood THC
London homeowner shocked to find 10 tons of soil dumped in his rental unit by illegal cannabis growers
Psychedelics, Plant Medicines & Other Psychoactives
The Lykos response to the FDA advisory committee voting against their MDMA therapy regimen
“What psychedelia can learn from Clusterbusters” (the LSD for cluster headaches organization)
The Psychoactive Research
For anxiety, a review of using psychedelics & their effects via the hippocampus & serotonin
Resetting the Hippocampal Buffer: A Neurocognitive Account of Psychedelic Therapy for Anxiety-Related Psychopathology
The Plant & the History
Growing, Farming & Processing
The effect of high-tunnel versus open-field production on hemp’s yield & profile
Effect of High-Tunnel and Open-Field Production on the Yield, Cannabinoids, and Volatile Profiles in Industrial Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) Inflorescence
In cannabis inflorescences, the effects of heating on changing the phytocannabinoid profile
Thermally induced changes in the profiles of phytocannabinoids and other bioactive compounds in Cannabis sativa L. inflorescences
On improving cannabis cultivars with advanced techniques such as overexpression, virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) & RNA interference
Using Advanced Biotechnological Techniques to Improve Cannabis Cultivars
An evaluation of soilless cultivation techniques for young plants
Evaluating Propagation Techniques for Cannabis sativa L. Cultivation: A Comparative Analysis of Soilless Methods and Aeroponic Parameters
On the response of hemp to salinity
Comparative proteomic and metabolomic analyses reveal stress responses of hemp to salinity
An HPLC method for separating THC isomers
HPLC Method for Better Separation of THC Isomers to Ensure Safety and Compliance in the Hemp Market
A thesis project on using cannabis to remove lithium from the soil
Preliminary indications on the suitability of Cannabis sativa L. plants to tolerate and phytoaccumulate Lithium: implications for phytotechnologies
Food & Nutrition
A review of hemp seeds as a functional food
Hemp Seeds (Cannabis sativa L.) as a Valuable Source of Natural Ingredients for Functional Foods-A Review
On guidelines for hemp oil production
Hemp oil quality designing – guidelines for managing the niche oil production process
And an analysis of the physiochemical properties of hemp seed oil
Analysis of the Physicochemical Properties of Hemp Seed Oil Extracted from Roasted Hemp Seeds (Cannabis sativa L.)
Enriching hemp milk with GABA
γ-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA)-enriched Hemp Milk by Solid-state Co-fermentation and Germination Bioprocesses
Industrial Use
On hemp as a potential biofuel
Toward an Environmentally Friendly Future: An Overview of Biofuels from Corn and Potential Alternatives in Hemp and Cucurbits
On using hemp seed protein in adhesives
Hempseed protein is a potential alternative source for plant protein-based adhesives
On using hemp fiber for electromagnetic shielding
Enhancement of electromagnetic interference shielding properties of hemp fiber sandwiched carbon fiber composites using electroless NiP coating
On using hemp fibers in composites
Design Potential of Technical Hemp and PLA Nonwovens
A thesis project on using hemp biomass to produce a graphene-like structure
Public Health
From a case study of cannabis use in a Canadian long-term care facility, the major finding was that the majority of health care providers reported a lack of knowledge about medical cannabis
Cannabis use in a Canadian long-term care facility: a case study
Consumer preference for edibles is driven primarily by potency & 35% of consumers are going to the unregulated market because of the low potency levels available on the licensed market
Exploring consumer preferences for cannabis edible products to support public health policy: A discrete choice experiment
A thesis project with a meta-analysis of the long term neurocognitive effects of cannabis “found no significant effects within the domains of overall effects, attention, forgetting/retrieval, learning, or verbal/language” but “identified a significant small effect size within the domain of abstraction/executive function”
A Meta-Analysis of Cannabis Research: Is there Evidence of Lasting Neurocognitive Effects?
Adolescents & Young Adults
In young people, a brain scan study of the effects of different types of cannabis on their resting state brain networks
Acute effects of different types of cannabis on young adult and adolescent resting-state brain networks
“Whole-brain analysis showed cannabis significantly disrupted functional connectivity with cortical regions and the executive control, salience, hippocampal, and limbic striatal networks compared to placebo. CBD did not counteract THC's effects and further reduced connectivity both within networks and the whole brain.”
The Brain
A review of CBD for epilepsy
CBD in the Treatment of Epilepsy
And a review of CBD for drug-resistant epilepsy in children & young adults
Use of cannabidiol in the treatment of drug-refractory epilepsy in children and young adults: A systematic review
In brain cells, the little studied cannabis compound cannabispirenone A reduced excitotoxicity via negative control of the NDMA receptors & an increase of CB1 receptors
Neuroprotective Effects of Cannabispirenone A against NMDA-Induced Excitotoxicity in Differentiated N2a Cells
Mental Health & Substance Use Disorders
In females with PTSD, higher levels of anandamide in their hair was associated with lower levels of depression & anxiety but higher levels of PTSD symptoms
The role of hair endocannabinoid concentrations in clinical symptoms and treatment outcome in female inpatients with posttraumatic stress disorder
The Immune System
In salmonella bacteria CBD may upregulate the flgA gene & make the bacteria more resistant to various stresses
Prolonged CBD Pressure Mediates Higher Expression of flgA in Salmonella Typhimurium
Pain, Inflammation & Surgeries
In people who had rotator cuff repair surgery, an analysis after a year found that using CBD for pain control caused no differences in long-term healing
Cannabidiol for Pain Control After Rotator Cuff Repair Demonstrates No Functional Deficits at 1-Year
On macrophages (white blood cells), anandamide lowered inflammation via the CB2 & GPR18 receptors
The endocannabinoid anandamide activates pro-resolving pathways in human primary macrophages by engaging both CB2 and GPR18 receptors
In a cellular model of inflammation, CBD nanoparticles inhibited pro-inflammatory cytokines & free radicals
Cannabidiol-Loaded Solid Lipid Nanoparticles Ameliorate the Inhibition of Proinflammatory Cytokines and Free Radicals in an In Vitro Inflammation-Induced Cell Model
The Guts & Metabolism
In minipigs, excessive sugar consumption reduced synaptic density & increased their cannabinoid receptors in the brain
Excessive sucrose consumption reduces synaptic density and increases cannabinoid receptors in Göttingen minipigs
“We found that the sucrose diet reduced the synaptic density marker while increasing CB1 binding in limbic brain structures, which may subserve maladaptive changes in appetite regulation and feeding.”
The Heart
In a tissue model of cardiac arrhythmia, the endocannabinoid-like compound ARA-S worked via potassium channels
The endocannabinoid ARA-S acts as an endogenous rescuing factor of Kv7.1/KCNE1 carrying Long QT syndrome mutations and paves the way for drug development strategies
The Skin
A review of hemp skin products
Comprehensive Insight into Cutaneous Application of Hemp
Microneedle patches for transdermal nanoCBD delivery
Nanosuspension-Loaded Dissolving Microneedle Patches for Enhanced Transdermal Delivery of a Highly Lipophilic Cannabidiol
Cancer & Chemotherapy
The demographics of why Canadian cancer survivors were using cannabis as a sleep aid
A Cross Sectional Survey of Factors Related to Cannabis Use as a Sleep Aid Among Canadian Cancer Survivors
A review on the anti-tumor effects of CBD
Research Progress on the Mechanism of the Antitumor Effects of Cannabidiol
In a rat model of neuropathic pain from chemotherapy treatment, cannabis extracts altered 7 key genes & 39 metabolites as well as gut microbiota with the result of lessening pain
The Potential Antinociceptive Effect and Mechanism of Cannabis sativa L. Extract on Paclitaxel-Induced Neuropathic Pain in Rats Uncovered by Multi-Omics Analysis
“The analgesic mechanism was probably related to the regulation of inflammation, neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction pathway, sphingolipid metabolism, etc.”
In radiation cancer therapy, CBD mitigated the damage to the intestines
Cannabidiol mitigates radiation-induced intestine ferroptosis via facilitating the heterodimerization of RUNX3 with CBFβ thereby promoting transactivation of GPX4
In liver cancer cells, CBD reduced their growth & spread
Cannabidiol reverts the malignant phenotype of hepatocellular carcinoma cells via the GPR55/TP53/MAPK axis
On neuroblastoma cells, phytocannabinoids & their synthetic derivatives caused apoptosis (programmed cellular suicide) via activation of caspases 3/7
Effect of Cannabis sativa L. extracts, phytocannabinoids and their acetylated derivates on the SHSY-5Y neuroblastoma cells' viability and caspases 3/7 activation
A computer analysis of the genes associated with triple negative breast cancer that may be targets of CBD analogs
Identification of Genes Hub Associated with Triple-Negative Breast Cancer and Cannabidiol Analogs Potential Inhibitory Agents: An In-silico Study
CBD nanoparticles for anti-cancer treatments
Preparation and characterization of PBS (Polybutylene Succinate) nanoparticles containing cannabidiol (CBD) for anticancer application
American Society of Clinical Oncology 2024 Annual Meeting
In a survey of people with cancer, they used CBD mostly for symptom relief of stress, sleep & neuropathy
Patient-reported experiences with cannabidiol (CBD) after cancer diagnosis
In people with advanced cancer receiving palliative care, a 1:1 THC:CBD oil reduced pain
A randomized, double-blind controlled trial of medicinal cannabis vs placebo for symptom management in patients with advanced cancer receiving palliative care
For the nausea of chemotherapy, oral THC:CBD oil was a cost-effective treatment
Cost-effectiveness of an oral THC: CBD cannabis extract for secondary prevention of refractory, chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting
In young patients with cancer, a survey found that many were reluctant to discuss cannabis use with their providers
Experience of young patients with cancer discussing cannabis with their providers
In people with melanoma, cannabis users had no significant differences in toxicity from their immune checkpoint inhibitor treatments
Examining the risk of immune checkpoint inhibitor-related toxicity among patients with melanoma and their history of cannabis use
And no differences in mortality rates
Examining 1-year mortality risk among patients with malignant melanoma undergoing immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy with a history of cannabis use
In people being treated for cancer, how their cannabis might be causing potential medication interactions
Prevalence of cannabis related potential medication interactions (PMI) among patients with cancer during treatment
And in veterans being treated for cancer, their medical cannabis use may be interfering with their treatment (though they didn’t actually gather any real data to support this)
Prevalence of recreational and medical cannabis products in Veterans and their interactions with cancer directed pharmacological treatment
In women treating their breast cancer with aromatase inhibitors, a topical cannabis balm reduced the side effects of the associated musculoskeletal syndrome
A randomized trial of topical cannabis balms for the treatment of aromatase inhibitor–associated musculoskeletal syndrome (AIMSS)
And treatment with CBD improved joint pain
The impact of cannabidiol (CBD) on aromatase inhibitor (AI)-associated musculoskeletal symptoms (AIMSS)
In people with cancer in Minnesota, the rural & urban patients used cannabis at similar rates
Cannabis use for cancer-related symptoms in rural versus urban Minnesota
In head & neck cancer, CBD inhibited cell proliferation & migration via apoptosis (programmed cellular suicide)
Effect of CBD on anti-tumor immune response and interaction with GPR55 on MAPK signaling in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
In cancer cells, a drug that blocks the CB2 receptor stimulated the antitumor immune response & inhibited cancer growth
Effect of TT-816, a novel immune response modifier targeting cannabinoid CB2 receptor, on antitumor immunity and cancer growth
Synthetic Cannabinoids
How the human body metabolizes some of the synthetic cannabinoids
Human metabolism of the semi-synthetic cannabinoids hexahydrocannabinol, hexahydrocannabiphorol and their acetates using hepatocytes and urine samples
On the mechanisms of the neurotoxicity of the synthetic cannabinoid AB-FUBINACA
Delineating the molecular mechanisms of hippocampal neurotoxicity induced by chronic administration of synthetic cannabinoid AB-FUBINACA in mice
A thesis project on the binding properties of various synthetic cannabinoids
Understanding Receptor Efficacy and Biases: Bioluminescence Resonance Energy Transfer Analysis of Dimethylindane Head Group and Cumyl Analogs of Synthetic Cannabinoid Receptor Agonists
Cool Chemistry & Tools
On improving yeast’s ability to produce CBD
Integrated omics of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CENPK2-1C reveals pleiotropic drug resistance and lipidomic adaptations to cannabidiol
On finding a non-toxic solvent for quantifying CBD & THC levels
Optimization of the solvent system used to prepare cannabis inflorescence samples for cannabidiol and Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol quantification using D-optimal design
On how CBG is catalyzed into its most common form
Photochemical Vs Thermal Acid Catalysed Cyclization of Cannabigerol (CBG): An Unexpected Selectivity
A new series of stable 2-AG analogs
Chiral Me-2-arachidonoyl Glycerols: The First Potent Endocannabinoid Glyceride Templates with Stability to COX-2
A sensor for the activation of endocannabinoid receptors
Pharmacological Evaluation of Cannabinoid Receptor Modulators Using GRABeCB2.0 Sensor
On PLGA nanoparticles to improve GI cannabis extract bioavailability
Development, Characterization and In Vitro Gastrointestinal Release of PLGA Nanoparticles Loaded with Full-Spectrum Cannabis Extracts
And another nanoparticle platform for improved oral delivery of CBD
Poly(ethylene glycol)-b-poly(epsilon-caprolactone) nanoparticles as a platform for the improved oral delivery of cannabidiol
A thesis project on selective inhibitors of DAGL (which synthesizes the endocannabinoid 2-AG)
Discovery of selective diacylglycerol lipase β inhibitors
And another thesis project on new tools to study the CB2 receptor
Development of new chemical tools to study the cannabinoid receptor type 2
- lex
PS: For today’s crusading pianist, Hazel Scott’s ‘Relaxed Piano Moods’. Born in Trinidad but raised in NYC, Scott was a musical prodigy who started studying classical music at Juilliard at the age of 8. Experimenting with mixing jazz & classical into “swinging the classics”, she became a beloved nightclub act by the late ‘30s & had her own radio show. Along with Lena Horne, she was one of the first Black women to get big roles in Hollywood, which she began by turning down 4 roles of “singing maid” stereotypes. In 1950, she became the first Black person to have their own television show. It became so popular that episodes soon ran three times a week. To get a sense of her stature, supporting musicians on the show included Charles Mingus & Max Roach. But she lost that show after appearing before & protesting against McCarthy’s Red Scare tribunal, the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC). And on the road, she continued her commitment to civil rights, refusing to appear in segregated venues & successfully suing a restaurant that refused to serve her & a companion. Her public opposition to McCarthyism & racial segregation led her to relocate to France for ten years before returning to support the US Civil Rights Movement. She used her power to open the door wider for performers who came after her & led a life committed to her art & to creating a more just world.
This newsletter is the backbone of my work & I hope it brings you a measure of value. If so, please consider upgrading to a paid subscription & support my sharing all of the new cannabinoid science each week.