Editor’s note:
Because I missed last week, this is a double issue. The whole family has been down with the flu for 10 days, or years. I dunno.
This week…
Cannabinoids help opioid painkillers to work better & to lower their harms (3 hits)
CBD for exhaustive exercise, colitis, spinal cord injuries, nicotine addiction & psoriasis in animal models
The goods & the bads of cannabinoids for vascular diseases (3 hits)
Breasts develop thanks to your ECS
Legalization in Canada made it harder for kids to get weed
Cannabis causes catatonia
On how psychedelics increased sexual functioning
Hello everyone,
Welcome to the 88th edition of Cannabinoids & the People, Lex Pelger’s free weekly digest of all the new cannabinoid science + assorted news & psychedelic updates.
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As always, here’s the Glossary of Cannabinoid Terms & at the bottom is the album of the week
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Sponsor: PlusCBD Pro for healthcare practitioners
For any healthcare practitioners out there who want to use CBD products, you can’t beat the ProCBD line from PlusCBD.
Formulated specifically for healthcare practitioners, these extra-strength products allow you to easily administer higher levels of CBD-rich hemp extracts to your patients. With softgels that contain 100 mg of CBD in each capsule, oils with 25 mg per spray & strong topicals for intense pain, the ProCBD line allows your patients to harness the higher levels of cannabinoids for their health.
Reach out here for free samples.
My work this week:
Canna-Education for CV Sciences
(TikTok:@cvsciences or my YouTube playlist 3-minute Cannabinoid Science):
Lovin' the peanut butter... (on the wonderful taste of the pet products)
Canna-Science Digest #5: Pain, Vascular Diseases & Aging Horses
The Worldwide Canna-Report #5: Malta, South Africa & Ireland
My TikToks (@lexpelgerandhisbooks or on YouTube):
My TikTok Drama (my funniest thing in awhile)
'The Classic Slave Narratives' edited by a Henry Louis Gates Jr.
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The Canna-Science Writeup:
an analysis of the best papers of the week, sponsored by CV Sciences
3 on pain
For chronic pain, a review of 90 trials finds cannabis to have similar efficacy to opioids with fewer discontinuations due to side effects
Cannabis for medical use versus opioids for chronic non-cancer pain: a systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomised clinical trials
In a mouse model of pain, oxycodone combined well with THC for painkilling effects as well as delaying the formation of tolerance and without the THC augmenting the negatives of the oxycodone (except for its rewarding properties)
Impact of Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol and oxycodone co-administration on measures of antinociception, dependence, circadian activity, and reward in mice
In a mouse model of pain, negative allosteric modulation of the CB1 receptor (a function of CBD) allowed opioid painkillers to work while lowering the development of tolerance to them & their withdrawal symptoms
Negative allosteric modulation of cannabinoid CB 1 receptor signaling suppresses opioid-mediated tolerance and withdrawal without blocking opioid antinociception
This meta-analysis drew from 90 studies that included more than 22,000 patients. Overall, they found “low certainty evidence suggested little to no difference between cannabis and opioids for pain relief… or sleep quality.” Furthermore, “cannabis resulted in fewer discontinuations due to adverse events versus opioids”. On the combination of cannabis and opioids, a relevant study came out this week in mice. In the first mouse model of pain above, oxycodone combined well with THC to enhance the painkilling effects. But the main concern of the authors was whether THC might increase the negative side effects of oxycodone. But instead, they found that THC delayed the formation of opioid tolerance and that the THC did not augment the negatives of the oxycodone (except for its rewarding properties, i.e. they liked it more). The second preclinical study above found similar results for drugs that cause negative allosteric inhibition of the CB1 receptor (lessening other drugs binding there, a function of CBD). These drugs that lessen CB1 binding lowered the development of tolerance to opioids, lessened their withdrawal symptoms, and still allowed for the painkilling effects to work. Overall, these studies point to why painkilling is at the top of every survey on why people use THC or CBD. They combine well with opioids and they work well on their own. For more of the many studies on pain, see our archive on the Pain page of CVResearch.info.
A review of using CBD for vascular diseases (nice chart)
Research progress in the management of vascular disease with cannabidiol: a review
This review looks at using CBD for diseases of the blood vessels such as “atherosclerosis, stress-induced hypertension, diabetes-related vasculopathy, ischemia-reperfusion injury, and vascular damage caused by smoking and alcohol abuse.” For these diseases, the most common treatment is surgery, without a lot of good pharmaceutical options. The authors reviewed 87 studies of CBD on various vascular diseases (see the table of studies here) and this great chart looks at how CBD could help in these different disorders and the pathways it uses:
- For hypertension, CBD regulates the tension of the vascular wall as well as opening the vessels and lowering blood pressure. It also lowers the stress levels that lead to high blood pressure.
- For diabetes-related vascular disease, which lead to atherosclerosis (hardened arteries) and lowered blood flow to the eyes, kidneys, and feet, CBD can lower the inflammation, improve the vascular barrier and lower oxidation.
- For ischemia-reperfusion injury, which occurs most often after a heart attack or stroke when blood flow returns to tissue, CBD increased blood flow, reduced platelet aggregation, and lowered heart cell death as well as in the brain, inhibiting the downregulation of electrical activity, lessened neuronal damage and cell death, and inhibited inflammation and oxidative stress.
- Lastly, the ability of CBD to help people to stop using nicotine or alcohol leads to less vascular damage from those substances.
While this research is still at early stages, it suggests CBD as a good tonic for the many diseases of the blood vessels. Here’s more research on heart & vascular disease at the Cardiovascular page on CVResearch.info.
In people with treatment resistant epilepsy, CBD lowered their brain temperature levels as well as their seizure severity
The longitudinal effects of cannabidiol on brain temperature in patients with treatment-resistant epilepsy
In infants with epileptic spasms, CBD caused a more than 50% reduction with good tolerability
Purified cannabidiol as add-on therapy in children with treatment-resistant infantile epileptic spasms syndrome
We’ve two studies on CBD for epilepsy to highlight this week. It’s not as well known that in epilepsy, brain temperatures tend to rise with seizures. In this study, eight patients with treatment-resistant epilepsy had their brain temperatures mapped before and after 12 weeks of CBD therapy. It was found that not only did CBD lower their seizure severity scores, it also lowered their abnormally high peak brain temperatures.
Also, in babies with infantile epileptic spasms syndrome (IESS) who were resistant to anti-seizure medications and ketogenic dietary therapy, the researchers analyzed the charts of 28 infant patients for the effects of CBD. Prior to starting the CBD therapy, the patients had an average of 69 epileptic spasms per day and 10 focal seizures per week. After an average of a year, seven of the patients were seizure free and 12 of them had a 50% reduction in epileptic spasms. All of the infants responded well to the therapy and the adverse effects were mild. For more on how the cannabinoids protect the brain, see the Nervous System page of CVResearch.info.
A meta-analysis of PTSD studies found cannabis use associated with significant improvements
Cannabis use and trauma-focused treatment for co-occurring posttraumatic stress disorder and substance use disorders: A meta-analysis of individual patient data
This meta-analysis looked at 36 trials that covered over 4000 patients with PTSD as well as substance use disorders. Historically, people with substance use disorders are excluded from studies like this because of fears of complicating the data even though substance use disorders are a common comorbidity with PTSD. When analyzing this data, the researchers found that cannabis users experienced significantly greater improvements from treatments than non-cannabis users. They were also more likely to benefit from therapy types specifically focused on trauma. However, there was no difference in substance use between the cannabis users and non-users. See our PTSD page on CVResearch.info for more studies.
In humans, topical CBD reached its peak blood concentration after 7 to 10 days of product use (with no positive urine tests, but some positive oral fluid tests)
Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Five Distinct Commercially Available Hemp-derived Topical Cannabidiol (CBD) Products
This quite practical study analyzed the effects of five high-CBD/low-THC topical products on healthy adults. The types of topicals tested included creams, lotions, patches, balms, and gels. Intriguingly, “on average, CBD/metabolite concentrations peaked after 7-10 days of product use and were highest for the lotion, which contained the most CBD and a permeation enhancer (vitamin E).” In drug tests of the blood and urine, none of the participants tested positive for cannabis using the current U.S. federal workplace drug testing criteria (though a few of them did test positive using a THC oral fluid test, a notoriously inaccurate way to measure cannabinoid consumption). Overall, this study reminds us to follow the advice of using the entire bottle of CBD. It can take a while for it to build up in your system and to enhance your endocannabinoids. For more, here’s our collection of research on the topical use of cannabinoids at CVResearch.info.
Best Of Cannabinoid Science...
A giant list of the 6,000+ chemical constituents in commercial cannabis (available in a centralized, open-access database)
Chemical Composition of Commercial Cannabis
In a survey of doctors treating children with cerebral palsy, they report most frequently using cannabinoids for epilepsy, spasticity & pain
Prescription Practices of Cannabinoids in Children with Cerebral Palsy Worldwide-A Survey of the Swiss Cerebral Palsy Registry
In small trial of people with insomnia, 150 milligrams of CBD did not differ significantly from the placebo on their initial sleep measurements but did improve their well-being scores as well as their sleep efficiency after 2 weeks of treatment
Cannabidiol for moderate-severe insomnia: a randomized controlled pilot trial of 150 mg of nightly dosing
The strange little secret is that isolated CBD tends to wake people up, though it affects everyone differently. I suspect that a great bit of the help of hemp extracts comes from those microdoses of THC as well as the overall calming effect on anxiety given by CBD.
In a small trial of long COVID patients, a high CBD/low THC oil was well tolerated
Feasibility of a cannabidiol-dominant cannabis-based medicinal product for the treatment of long COVID symptoms: A single-arm open-label feasibility trial
In Canada, post-legalization led to a 10% rise in cannabis use among men with an associated increase in testosterone, slightly improved sperm motility & decreased sperm concentration
Temporal Trends in Semen Quality, Hormone Levels, and Substance Use Among Infertile Men in Pre- and Post-Cannabis Legalization Eras in Canada
The gender differences in lifetime endocannabinoid levels
Sex-dimorphism in human serum endocannabinoid and n-acyl ethanolamine concentrations across the lifespan
“Significantly higher cortisol, AEA, 2-AG, OEA, and PEA were found in males and in older age, while significantly higher AA was found in females. Our results indicate that ECBs and related hormones exhibit sexual dimorphism in the age ranges that correspond with female pregnancy, menopause, and post menopause. Male testosterone levels most likely influences male ECB changes throughout the lifespan.”
In mature horses with osteoarthritis, a 15% CBD paste reduced pain & inflammation as well as improving health
Improved quality of life and pain relief in mature horses with osteoarthritis after oral transmucosal cannabidiol oil administration as part of an analgesic regimen
The Heart – Pros & Cons
In public health data about heart failure hospitalizations, cannabis use was associated with decreased mortality & length of stay
Cannabis Use Is Associated With Decreased Mortality And Length Of Stay In Heart Failure Hospitalizations
In public health data of chronic pain patients, prescribed medical cannabis was associated with an elevated risk of new onset arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat)
Cannabis for chronic pain: cardiovascular safety in a nationwide Danish study
On medical cannabis & cardiovascular risk (nice chart)
Cannabis by any name does not smell as sweet: potential cardiovascular events with medical cannabis
In a mouse model of heart failure, CBD was protective via anti-inflammatory effects
Cannabidiol As A Potential Treatment For Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction
How affin (an active ingredient of Heliopsis longipes roots) lowers blood pressure via the CB1 receptor & TRPA1 & TRPV1 channels
Affinin, isolated from Heliopsis longipes, induces an antihypertensive effect that involves CB1 cannabinoid receptors and TRPA1 and TRPV1 channels activation
At a neurology clinic, the most common reasons for stopping CBD
Adherence and discontinuation of prescription cannabidiol for the management of seizure disorders at an integrated care center
“The most common reason for discontinuation was major side effects (n = 12, 39%). The most common side effects leading to discontinuation were agitation/irritability (n = 4), mood changes (n = 4), aggressive behavior (n = 3), and increased seizure frequency (n = 3)…. Adherence to prescription CBD at an integrated care center was high with approximately 94% of patients considered adherent.”
And a review of the negatives of CBD in epilepsy treatment [Portuguese]
Efeitos adversos do uso terapêutico de Canabidiol no tratamento da epilepsia: um estudo de revisão integrative
“From the analysis of the [9] included studies, side effects frequently associated with the use of CBD in patients with epilepsy were identified, including decreased appetite and drowsiness (n=3), diarrhea (n=3), increased seizures and/or worsening of behavior (n=1), dizziness/vertigo (n=1), vomiting (n=1), depression (n=1), in addition to unspecified mild and moderate effects (n=2). Drowsiness and decreased appetite were predominant among the studies analyzed.”
A case report of cannabis arteritis (a rare peripheral vascular disease of the small & medium-sized blood vessels) & a literature review of the less than 100 cases
Cannabis arteritis revisited: a case report with distinct pathologic features and review of the literature
And a review of the small amount of data on cannabis & vascular diseases
Marijuana and Vascular Disease: A Review
A drug-drug interaction between CBD & the kidney-transplantation drugs cyclosporine & mycophenolate mofetil
Drug-Drug Interaction Between Cannabidiol, Cyclosporine, and Mycophenolate Mofetil: A Case Report
A case series of 7 patients with cannabis-induced psychosis during withdrawal
Cannabis-induced psychotic disorder with onset during withdrawal: a brief report of emerging evidence
A case report & literature review of cannabis causing catatonia
Recurrent cannabis-induced catatonia: a case report and comprehensive systematic literature review
A case report of THC vaping causing diffuse alveolar hemorrhage in the lungs
Rare case of THC vaping induced DAH
[French] A hospital finds an association between cannabis smoking & collapsed lungs
Caractéristiques du pneumothorax spontané primitif chez les fumeurs de cannabis
A case report of an 18-year-old with cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome
Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome
A review of 13 studies on cannabis causing GI tract symptoms
Cannabis induced gastrointestinal tract symptoms in the adult population: a systematic review
A review of the effects of prenatal cannabis exposure
Prenatal Exposure to Cannabis: Effects on Childhood Obesity and Cardiometabolic Health
“Prenatal exposure to cannabis is consistently associated with small for gestational age and low birth weight. After birth, these offspring gain weight rapidly and have increased adiposity and higher glucose (fat mass percentage) in childhood.”
For youth with psychiatric disorders who use cannabis, a review of five studies on therapeutic interventions
A systematic review of evidence on integrated management of psychiatric disorders in youth who use cannabis
For bipolar disorder, a review of why cannabis use may be a risk factor
A Systematic Review of the Molecular and Cellular Alterations Induced by Cannabis that may serve as Risk Factors for Bipolar Disorder
A review on the neurotherapeutic arsenal of cannabis (nice charts, my video)
The Neurotherapeutic Arsenal in Cannabis sativa: Insights into Anti-Neuroinflammatory and Neuroprotective Activity and Potential Entourage Effects
For ALS, a review of the dysregulated endocannabinoid system as a therapeutic target
Dysregulated expanded endocannabinoid system as therapeutic targets of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
In a mouse model of orthodontics, CB2 played a role in the tooth movement & bone remodeling
The role of cannabinoid receptor 2 in bone remodeling during orthodontic tooth movement
2021: In animal models of spinal cord injury, this review of 19 studies found targeting the endocannabinoid system caused significant improvements in both pain & locomotor function
Systematic review of the impact of cannabinoids on neurobehavioral outcomes in preclinical models of traumatic and nontraumatic spinal cord injury
A review of how CBD lessens inflammation via the NLRP3 inflammasome
The NLRP3 inflammasome: a vital player in inflammation and mediating the anti-inflammatory effect of CBD
A review of your food intake regulation system & the role of the CB2 receptor
Role of the CB2 Cannabinoid Receptor in the Regulation of Food Intake: A Systematic Review
On how the axons of your neurons are guided by the endocannabinoid system
Evaluating the Role of the Endocannabinoid System in Axon Guidance: A Literature Review
A review of the ECS & your glymphatic system (a recently discovered waste clearance system of the brain)
Interplay between the Glymphatic System and the Endocannabinoid System: Implications for Brain Health and Disease
In a rat model of exhaustive exercise training, CBD protected the skeletal muscle from damage via the mitochondria (powerhouse of the cell)
Cannabinoids improve mitochondrial function in skeletal muscle of exhaustive exercise training rats by inhibiting mitophagy through the PINK1/PARKIN and BNIP3 pathways
In a mouse model of osteoarthritis, CBD oil & CBG oil lowered pain & inflammation & helped to protect their local motor activity while the CBG oil reduced cartilage degeneration
Therapeutic Effects of Non-Euphorigenic Cannabis Extracts in Osteoarthritis
In a rat model of lung scarring, CBD reduced the symptoms via the gut microbiome
Integrating fecal metabolomics and intestinal microbiota to study the mechanism of cannabidiol in the treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
In a mouse model of colitis, dietary CBD lessened their chronic inflammation & leaky guts via the PKA/AMPK pathway
Dietary Cannabidiol Activates PKA/AMPK Signaling and Attenuates Chronic Inflammation and Leaky Gut in DSS-Induced Colitis Mice
In a mouse model of nicotine addiction, CBD lessened the signs of withdrawal as well as nicotine’s pain-sensitivity inducing effects
Cannabidiol as a potential cessation therapeutic: Effects on intravenous nicotine self-administration and withdrawal symptoms in mice
In a skin tissue model of psoriasis, CBD caused anti-inflammation via the T-cells
Cannabidiol Mediates In Vitro Attenuation of Proinflammatory Cytokine Responses in Psoriatic Disease
In T-cells, CBDV decreased their proliferation (compared to CBD) while CBD significantly reduced their activation
On developing antibiotics from CBD derivatives
Development of cannabidiol derivatives as potent broad-spectrum antibacterial agents with membrane-disruptive mechanism
In a mouse model of multiple sclerosis, the terpene eugenol lowered their neuroinflammatory response & clinical symptoms
Eugenol alleviates the symptoms of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in mice by suppressing inflammatory responses
In female monkeys with osteoporosis, they had higher levels of CB1 receptors in their spines & brains, suggesting blocking of the CB1 receptor as a treatment
Correlation analysis of positron emission tomography/computed tomography-magnetic resonance imaging of cannabinoid type 1 receptor in the lumbar spine and brain of aged osteoporosis female cynomolgus monkeys
Even at nanomolar concentrations, CBD acts as a negative allosteric modulator of the adenosine A2A receptor (where caffeine binds)
Cannabidiol at Nanomolar Concentrations Negatively Affects Signaling through the Adenosine A2A Receptor
How CBD modulates the ion channels of the brain
Cannabidiol Modulates M-Type K+ and Hyperpolarization-Activated Cation Currents
And how the rare cannabinoid cannabinerol regulate brain ion channels & the formation of synapses
Cannabinerol (CBNR) Influences Synaptic Genes Associated with Cytoskeleton and Ion Channels in NSC-34 Cell Line: A Transcriptomic Study
The development of mammary glands & lactation capabilities seems to be at least partially regulated by the endocannabinoid system
Fatty acid amide hydrolase drives adult mammary gland development by promoting luminal cell differentiation
The ability of thymoquinone (an active ingredient of Nigella sativa black seeds) to lower pain may be mediated by the cannabinoid & α2-adrenegic receptors
Effect of thymoquinone on acetic acid-induced visceral nociception in rats: role of central cannabinoid and α2-adrenergic receptors
I’ve got a list of 3 dozen plants for which their active ingredient works via the endocannabinoid system.
An evergreen note on reading restricted papers:
First stop for seeing if there’s a free version of a paper, use the Google Scholar Chrome extension (Mac version), Google Scholar itself or try ResearchGate.
Three other helpful browser extensions are: Unpaywall, Open Access Button & PaperPanda
For the infamous backdoor, use Sci-Hub – the pirated papers repository (Chrome extension here). This works better for older paper than the stuff that just came out.
Finally, email the author. They’re almost always happy to oblige because, thanks to the predatory academic publishing system, they don’t make a dollar off of their papers.
the Headlines & Fav Articles
For your best daily cannabis news source: Marijuana Moment
A majority of US voters as well as the majority of US military members & their families support cannabis legalization
On the cannabis banking bill, only 9% of lobbyists believe it will pass this year
And in the US, a poll finds people more likely to be smoking cannabis than tobacco & among young people, it’s 5x more likely
About 40% of people in the US are getting their cannabis from dispensaries
Where do adults in the United States obtain cannabis? A nationally representative study examining the relationships between sociodemographic factors, cannabis use characteristics and sources of cannabis
In athletes tested for doping, 12% had delta-8 THC metabolites
Prevalence of carboxy-Δ8 -tetrahydrocannabiniol in antidoping samples
‘Weed Kills: How Investing In Cannabis Almost Took Down Scotts Miracle-Gro’
Great article on the infamous cannabis nuns: Sisters of the Valley
In states with medical cannabis laws, residents were more likely…
Substance Use, General Health, and Mental Health Outcomes in States with and without Medical Marijuana Laws
- To use more cannabis & tobacco but less likely to drink alcohol
- Less likely to drive under the influence
- To report better general health, worse mental health, more likelihood of depression & to be sleeping fewer hours
An analysis of cannabis legalization on the workforce
Marijuana legalization’s workforce impact looks positive
“We were able to identify some clear conclusions from the research in this area so far:
- Early research indicates that the legalization of cannabis for adult use reduces unemployment and increases labor force participation while allowing medical use appears to have a positive workforce impact for only certain populations.
- The legalization of cannabis for medical or adult use will have no impact on the wages for workers in a jurisdiction adopting such reforms.
- The legalization of cannabis for medical or adult use is likely to result in a reduction in workers’ compensation claims and will have no impact on disability insurance payouts.”
Mark Ruffalo video interview of when during the opening night of his play, someone swapped a real joint for a prop one
History Corner in the 1910s: How the Latinos of Texas preferred Parke Davis cannabis
The EU to allow a signature gathering initiative to create access to medical cannabis & promote research - but they need 1,000,000 signatures from at least 7 member states
In Malta, the first legal cannabis club begins to operate
In South Africa, the Department of Justice said it's unconstitutional to exclude military members from being able to use cannabis
In Ireland, a bill to legalize personal cannabis use got delayed by nine months so a committee could look it over
In Barcelona, an analysis of who is using the cannabis social clubs
Who is in, for How Long and What for. Exploring the Social Dimension of Cannabis Social Clubs in Barcelona, 2017-2020
The history of cannabis in Costa Rica
The Laws, The War on Drugs & the End of Prohibition
A great article on how to smuggle cocaine internationally
And how cocaine production is moving into the EU
A survey of cannabis growers found most have never experienced violence or other victimization, but the most common negative was theft
Conflict and social control among cannabis growers
“Most growers (76 %) never directly experienced violence or other victimization related to their cannabis cultivation. However, about one-quarter of growers had been victimized at some point, mostly involving theft, with physical violence rare. Growing outdoors, growing with others, growing more plants, and being a more seasoned grower increased the risk of victimization. Growers who were motivated by profit were more susceptible to theft. Surprisingly, growers in legal recreational jurisdictions experienced greater levels of theft and violent victimization than growers in illegal jurisdictions.”
In Canada, Black & Indigenous individuals had more than three times the odds of conviction than white individuals for a cannabis offense
Cannabis-related arrests and convictions in Canada: Differences by race/ethnicity, individual socioeconomic factors, and neighborhood deprivation
Among U.S. military veterans, cannabis legalization laws were associated with higher rates of positive cannabis drug screenings
Association of Cannabis Legalization with Cannabis Positive Drug Screening in US Veterans
A review of the effects of warning labels & what can be learned from other drugs
Warning Labels as a Public Health Intervention: Effects and Challenges for Tobacco, Cannabis, and Opioid Medications
On the conviction rate of drugged driving laws in Colorado
Colorado drugged driving prevalence and impaired driving conviction rates: Effects of impaired driving definitions and a 5-nanogram limit for delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol
Psychedelics, Plant Medicines & Other Psychoactives
For my favorite newsletter on this topic, Psychedelic Alpha.
Excellent piece on the great psychedelic guide Leo Zeff & a meditation on therapy versus psychedelic guiding
A great visualization from Psychedelic Alpha about the psychedelic drug pipeline
History Corner: On the origins of the LSD ‘Blue Star Tattoo’ legend
On Marcia Moore: the Ketamine Priestess & her potential murder
The Psychoactive Research
[This isn’t a deep dive into the science of psychedelics & other psychoactives like I do for the cannabinoids. If your organization would be interested in a breakdown of all the new psychedelic science, reach out to me]
On how psychedelics increased sexual functioning
Psychedelics and sexual functioning: a mixed-methods study
“Naturalistic use of psychedelics was associated with improvements in several facets of sexual functioning and satisfaction, including improved pleasure and communication during sex, satisfaction with one's partner and physical appearance.”
On how MDMA enhances the positive response to social feedback
MDMA enhances positive affective responses to social feedback
A phase 1 trial of using DMT fumarate for depression
Safety, tolerability, pharmacodynamic and wellbeing effects of SPL026 (dimethyltryptamine fumarate) in healthy participants: a randomized, placebo-controlled phase 1 trial
And on how DMT destabilizes the brain dynamics
DMT induces a transient destabilization of whole-brain dynamics
A review of the evidence on microdosing
Microdosing psychedelics: Current evidence from controlled studies
In humans, neural complexity was increased after a low dose of LSD but not oral THC or methamphetamine
Neural complexity is increased after low doses of LSD, but not moderate to high doses of oral THC or methamphetamine
On how drugs that activate the 5-HT2A serotonin receptor lower inflammation via arginase 1
Serotonin-2 Receptor Agonists Produce Anti-inflammatory Effects through Functionally Selective Mechanisms That Involve the Suppression of Disease-Induced Arginase 1 Expression
The Plant & the History
On cannabis ecologies
Plantations Beyond Monocrops: Cannabis Ecologies From Colonial Angola to São Tomé
A review of the history of hemp fiber in art
An Application of Hemp as Fiber Material in Art Applications from Past to Present: A Brief Artist Perspective
A study of hemp rope innovation in late 19th century Japan
Trinity for Innovation: the Case of Tokyo Rope in the Meiji Era
Growing & Farming
On detecting nutrient deficiencies using hyperspectral imaging
Noninvasive Early Detection of Nutrient Deficiencies in Greenhouse-Grown Industrial Hemp Using Hyperspectral Imaging
On the effects of nutrients & fertigation (fertilizers in irrigation water) in medical cannabis cultivation
Effect of augmented nutrient composition and fertigation system on biomass yield and cannabinoid content of medicinal cannabis ( Cannabis sativa L.) cultivation
Severe drought reduced the yield of hemp while moderate drought did not
Severe drought significantly reduces floral hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) yield and cannabinoid content but moderate drought does not
Analyzing the effect of light quality on plant-herbivore (aphids) interactions
Evaluating the impact of light quality on plant-herbivore interactions using hemp as the model system
Leaf spot disease on Kentucky hemp
Leaf Spot Disease Development and Its Effect on Yield of Essential Oil-Producing Hemp Cultivars in Kentucky
New York reports its first tobacco streak virus on cannabis
First Report of Tobacco Streak Virus in Cannabis sativa in New York
When using insect traps to monitor for corn earworm, the problem of bycatch of other helpful insects like bees
Bycatch of Common Pollinators in Pheromone Baited Traps for Monitoring Corn Earworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Missouri Industrial Hemp
For cannabis leaves, the effects of drying methods on their chemical & sensory properties
Effect of Drying Methods on Chemical and Sensory Properties of Cannabis sativa Leaves
Screening of hemp seed cultivars for their nutrient & phytochemical properties
Screening for Anti-Nutrients, Antioxidants, Minerals, and Cannabinoid Content in Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) Seed Cultivars
And a characterization of 29 hempseed varieties
Chemical Characterization of 29 Industrial Hempseed ( Cannabis sativa L.) Varieties
A thesis project on the genetic dynamics & leaf development of cannabis
Morphological and Genetic Dynamics in Cannabis sativa L.: Transcriptomic Insights into Leaf Morphogenesis, Phase Transition, and Somatic Embryogenesis
Hemp as food
In Germany, a study of why hemp milk has less of an ecological impact than bovine milk
Life cycle assessment of hemp-based milk alternative production in Lower Saxony, Germany, based on a material flow analysis of a pilot scale
A review of CBD being used in foods
Hemp-Derived CBD Used in Food and Food Supplements
In goats being transported to slaughter, fresh hemp leaves helped to maintain their blood metabolites & had minor advantages on meat quality in response to transportation stress
The Effects of Fresh Hemp Leaf Supplementation ( Cannabis sativa) on the Physiological and Carcass Characteristics and Meat Quality in Transported Goats
In goats, hemp seed cake was an inexpensive substitute for soybean meal
Nutrient intake, digestibility, and utilization in goats fed graded levels of hempseed cake finisher diets
In laying hens, feeding them with hemp seeds improved fatty acid & tocopherol levels
A Comprehensive Exploration of the Fatty Acids Profile, Cholesterol, and Tocopherols Levels in Liver from Laying Hens Fed Diets Containing Nonindustrial Hemp Seed
Industrial Use
Using hemp evaporators for seawater desalination
Innovative mushroom-like hemp-based evaporators enhanced by biochar for efficient seawater desalination
On turning hemp into biodiesel
The analysis of classical, polynomial regression and cubic spline mathematical models in hemp biodiesel optimization: an experimental comparison
A review of the many methods to analyze cannabis
Public Health & Surveys
A survey finds farmers interested in using cannabis for treating chronic pain
An Assessment of Farmers' Perspectives of Medical Marijuana as an Alternative Treatment for Chronic Pain: A Survey
On the knowledge of CBD use among Maltese doctors
Knowledge and perceptions about Cannabidiol use
Adolescents & Young Adults
The journal ‘Adolescent Psychiatry’ published a special edition on cannabinoids in youth:
Impact of Changing Cannabis Laws on Cannabis Use Disorders, Serious Mental Illness, and Mortality Outcomes in US Youth: A Narrative Review
Review of the Efficacy and Safety of Cannabidiol with a Focus on Children and Adolescents in the Treatment of Psychiatric Symptoms and Disorders
Cannabidiol and Depression: Promise and Challenge in Building an Evidence Base
Effects of Cannabidiol in Adolescent and Young Adult Depressive and Anxiety Disorders: A Systematic Review of Clinical and Preclinical Research
Since legalization in Canada, youth find it harder to get cannabis
Youth perception of difficulty accessing cannabis following cannabis legalization and during the early and ongoing stages of the COVID-19 pandemic: repeat cross-sectional and longitudinal data from the COMPASS study
Among Canadian young adults, anxiety & using cannabis to cope with anxiety was associated with psychotic-like experiences & cannabis problems
Do anxiety symptoms and coping motives serially mediate the association between psychotic-like experiences and cannabis-related problems in undergraduate recent cannabis users?
In young adults, the relationship between parental wealth & race of the family on cannabis use
Racial/Ethnic Heterogeneity in Parental Wealth and Substance Use from Adolescence to Young Adulthood
A checklist to reduce youth cannabis use that didn't work
Results of a randomized controlled trial of the cannabis eCHECKUP TO GO personalized normative feedback intervention on reducing cannabis use, cannabis consequences, and descriptive norms
In adolescent rats, the females had stronger responses to cannabis vapor as well as more errors in an attentional task
Sex Differences in Response-Contingent Cannabis Vapor Administration During Adolescence Mediate Enduring Effects on Behavioral Flexibility and Prefrontal Microglia Activation in Rats
In a mouse model of adolescent binge drinking, omega-3 fatty acids recover CB1 receptor levels in the adult brain
Omega-3 Recovers Cannabinoid 1 Receptor Expression in the Adult Mouse Brain after Adolescent Binge Drinking
The Brain & Neurological Disorders
Cannabis use is growing among adult MS patients with chronic pain
Growing cannabis use among Multiple Sclerosis adults with chronic pain; An analysis from the United States
A review of 11 studies on the association between cannabis use & blood levels of the brain growth factors BDNF & NGF
Effect of cannabis use on blood levels of brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and nerve growth factor (NGF): A systematic review and meta‐analysis
A book chapter on the neuroprotection & neurotoxicity of the cannabinoids
Neurotoxicity and neuroprotection induced by plant-derived cannabinoids
In a rat model of memory consolidation, CBD worked well with valproate to consolidate memories
Role of hippocampal and prefrontal cortical cholinergic transmission in combination therapy valproate and cannabidiol in memory consolidation in rats: involvement of CREB- BDNF signaling pathways
In brain cells, a CBD-rich extract caused anti-inflammatory & neuroprotective effects
Evaluation of the efficacy of a full-spectrum medicinal cannabis plant extract with less than 0.3% Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol in in vitro models of inflammation and excitotoxicity
In a mouse model of fear memory, a drug that inhibits the FAAH enzyme (breaks down anandamide) & MGL enzyme (breaks down 2AG) lessened anxiety & fear
Inhibition of cannabinoid degradation enhances hippocampal contextual fear memory and exhibits anxiolytic effects
In a model of nerve injury, the CB1 receptors controlled the denervation & reinnervation
Cannabinoid type-1 (CB1) receptors in glial cells promote neuromuscular junction repair following nerve injury
In a model of cognitive impairment from the stress of reduced blood-brain flow, activating the CB2 receptor protected from neuronal cell death & mitochondrial dysfunction via the CB2 receptor & the endoplasmic reticulum (protein synthesis & lipid metabolism center)
Alleviating CB2-Dependent ER Stress and Mitochondrial Dysfunction Improves Chronic Cerebral Hypoperfusion-Induced Cognitive Impairment
In a mouse model of Parkinson's, targeting the CB2 receptors of the astrocytes protected motor abilities, lowered neuroinflammation & lessened disease characteristics via the NLRP3/Caspase-1/IL-1β pathway & inhibition of foxg1 binding to MAP1LC3B
Targeting CB2R in astrocytes for Parkinson's disease therapy: unraveling the Foxg1-mediated neuroprotective mechanism through autophagy-mediated NLRP3 degradation
In a rat model of a neural injury, the endocannabinoid system helped to mediate neuroinflammation in distant uninjured neuronal tissue
Distant neuroinflammation acutely induced by focal brain injury and its control by endocannabinoid system
In a mouse model of epilepsy, the endocannabinoids appeared to contribute to maintaining brain network stability
Early endocannabinoid-mediated depolarization-induced suppression of excitation delays the appearance of the epileptic phenotype in synapsin II knockout mice
A thesis project in mice on how knocking out their CB1 receptor accelerated the brain aging process
The role of the endocannabinoid system in brain and systemic ageing
Mental Health
In a meta-analysis of 10 studies of people with opioid use disorder, there was no association between their cannabis use & non-medical opioid use
The impact of cannabis on non-medical opioid use among individuals receiving pharmacotherapies for opioid use disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal studies
In people with traumatic brain injuries, those who use cannabis were more likely to misuse opiates & the cannabis users had higher odds of worse behavioral health outcomes
The Interaction of Opiate Misuse and Marijuana Use on Behavioral Health Outcomes Using the Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems Pain Collaborative Dataset
Newsflash: CBD also affected by the placebo effect
The impact of cannabidiol placebo on responses to an acute stressor: A replication and proof of concept study
A case report of cannabis worsening depression
The Effect of Cannabis Use on Depression
In people with borderline personality disorder, they had higher levels of anandamide & 2AG as well as differences in genetic markers related to their endocannabinoid system
Plasma Endocannabinoid Levels in Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder and Healthy Controls
An analysis of public health data of admissions to the ICU, cannabis use disorder was associated with an increased length of stay
Cannabis use disorders and outcome of admission to intensive care: A retrospective multi-centre cohort study
Reproduction & Hormones
In brain scans of adolescents exposed to cannabis prenatally, they had significant differences in network interactions & behavioral scores but not structural connectivity
Impact of prenatal marijuana exposure on adolescent brain structural and functional connectivity and behavioral outcomes
On how people are being advised about breastfeeding & cannabis use
Factors Associated with Provider Counseling Against Breastfeeding in the Setting of Marijuana Use: A Population-Based Survey
A commentary on whether cannabis use in the preconception period increases the risk of gestational diabetes, because oddly, this is true for people who smoke only cannabis but not true for those who also use tobacco
Cannabis use in the preconception period: Does it increase the risk of gestational diabetes?
A survey of beliefs about cannabis safety during pregnancy & the lack of associations with legal adult-use cannabis
Is legal recreational cannabis associated with cannabis use during pregnancy, beliefs about safety, and perceived community stigma?
In families directly after birth, the levels of endocannabinoid in their hair
Stability and inter-family associations of hair endocannabinoid and N-acyl-ethanolamines across the perinatal period in mothers, fathers, and children
Among US females, this thesis project found a non-significant association between cannabis use & menstrual irregularities
The Relationship between Marijuana Use and Menstrual Health among US Females within the General Fertility Bracket
A thesis project on prenatal THC exposure leading to autism symptoms
The Effect of Prenatal THC Exposure on ASD-Relevant Sensorimotor Behaviour in Rats
Pain & Surgeries
Interviews of why people were using cannabis for chronic pain
Individuals' Values and Preferences Regarding Medical Cannabis for Chronic Pain: A Descriptive Qualitative Study
In patients having spinal fusion surgery, cannabis dependence was associated with an increased risk of 90 day readmission, but no change on any other metric
The Impact of Isolated Preoperative Cannabis Use on Outcomes Following Cervical Spinal Fusion: A Propensity Score-Matched Analysis
In patients undergoing sedation for endoscopy, cannabis usage was associated with a higher requirement of sedation
Marijuana and Endoscopy: The effects of marijuana on sedation
A review of the anti-inflammatory effects of CB2 receptor modulators
Research progress on anti-inflammatory effects of plant-derived cannabinoid type 2 receptor modulators
A review of cannabis for chronic pain shows it causes pain relief for a variety of diseases & lowered the required dosage of morphine [Portuguese]
Os efeitos da cannabis medicinal em pacientes com dor crônica: uma revisão sistemática da literature
In a mouse model of inflammatory pain, CBD combined well with the tricyclic antidepressant amitriptyline to lower pain levels via the serotonin 1A receptors
Assessing Dose- and Sex-Dependent Antinociceptive Effects of Cannabidiol and Amitriptyline, Alone and in Combination, and Exploring Mechanism of Action Involving Serotonin 1A Receptors
In a rat model of pain, the terpene beta-caryophyllene inhibited the MAGL enzyme & increased 2AG levels to reduce inflammation & pain
β-Caryophyllene Inhibits Monoacylglycerol Lipase Activity and Increases 2-Arachidonoyl Glycerol Levels In Vivo: A New Mechanism of Endocannabinoid-Mediated Analgesia?
Musculoskeletal & Exercise
A survey of orthopedic sports medicine surgeons on the use of CBD
Perceptions of Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Surgeons About Medical Cannabidiol Use: A Survey Study
On hemp seed proteins promoting muscle differentiation & preventing muscle atrophy
Effects of Hemp Seed Protein Hydrolysates on the Differentiation of C2C12 Cells and Muscle Atrophy
In an animal model of periprosthetic osteolysis (a prosthetic wearing down the bone), lowering the level of CB2 receptors lessened the bone loss via inhibition of the osteoclasts (bone degrading cells) & by antioxidant scavenging of the reactive oxygen species
CB2 regulates oxidative stress and osteoclastogenesis through NOX1-dependent signaling pathway in titanium particle-induced osteolysis
The Guts, Metabolism, Oral Health & CHS
In rat colons, CBD inhibited the intestinal motility caused by acetylcholine while the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug diclofenac inhibited it while the steroidal drug dexamethasone intensified it
Diclofenac and dexamethasone modulate the effect of cannabidiol on the rat colon motility ex vivo
In mice being fed a high-fat diet, THC extracts prevented weight gain & reduced liver steatosis
The Effect of Oil-Based Cannabis Extracts on Metabolic Parameters and Microbiota Composition of Mice Fed a Standard and a High-Fat Diet
In dental stem cells, cannabis extracts increased their proliferation & viability
In Vitro Assessment of Morphology, Proliferation, Apoptosis and Differential Potential of Dental Pulp Stem Cells, When Marijuana Is Added to Nutrients of Cell Culture Medium
On the antidiabetic effects of cannabis root & stem extracts
A Comparative Study on the Efficacy and Mechanism of Improving Glucose Uptake of Cannabis Root and Stem Extracts
In a frog model of the GI tract, CBD tightened gastric tight junctions & improved the gastric barrier function
Cannabidiol Strengthening of Gastric Tight Junction Complexes Analyzed in an Improved Xenopus Oocyte Assay
The Heart
In a rat model of shock via hemorrhage, endocannabinoid neurotransmission within the hypothalamus played a prominent role in the cardiovascular & autonomic response
Endocannabinoid system in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus modulates autonomic and cardiovascular changes but not vasopressin response in a rat hemorrhagic shock model
In rats with high blood pressure, the presynaptic CB1 receptor function was altered by the endocannabinoid tone
Function of Presynaptic Inhibitory Cannabinoid CB1 Receptors in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats and Its Modification by Enhanced Endocannabinoid Tone
The heart effects of the synthetic cannabinoid 5F-Cumyl-PEGACLONE
Cardiac effects of 5F-Cumyl-PEGACLONE
A thesis project of hemp seeds helping people with high blood pressure
The Genitourinary System
In a mouse model of kidney injury, oleoylethanolamide (an analog of anandamide) lowered inflammation & fibrosis (scarring) as well as protected the kidney via the PPAR nuclear receptors that control genetic transcription
Oleoylethanolamide attenuates acute-to-chronic kidney injury: in vivo and in vitro evidence of PPAR-α involvement
Cancer & Chemotherapy
On the cancer survivors interested in cannabis for cancer management
Awareness and interest in cannabis use for cancer management among cancer survivors
The methods of cannabis use by people with cancer
Cannabis Use among Cancer Survivors: Use Pattern, Product Type, and Timing of Use
A review of using cannabinoids for the symptoms of cancer
The use of cannabinoids in palliating cancer-related symptoms: a narrative review
A review of using cannabinoids in oral cancer (good chart of mechanisms)
Role of Cannabinoids in Oral Cancer
On the actions of CBD against leukemia cancer cells
A label free chemoproteomic-based platform to disclose cannabidiol molecular mechanism of action on chronic myelogenous leukemia cancer cells
In a rat model of using doxorubicin for cancer, CBD lessened the damage to the heart via anti-inflammatory & antioxidant effects
Cannabidiol Attenuates Doxorubicin-Related Cardiac Disorders Using Modulation of IL6R Signifying Trail in Adult Male Sprague Dawley Rats
In neuropathic pain from the chemotherapy treatment oxaliplatin, a new drug that inhibits the fatty acid-binding protein 5 (FABP5) to reduce pain
Discovery and Preclinical Evaluation of a Novel Inhibitor of FABP5, ART26.12, Effective in Oxaliplatin-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy
Synthetic Cannabinoids
A review of the dangers of synthetic cannabinoids
The synthetic cannabinoids menace: a review of health risks and toxicity
On rats, the toxic effects of the synthetic cannabinoid CUMYL-4CN-BINACA
Acute and subacute toxic effects of CUMYL-4CN-BINACA on male albino rats
Cool Chemistry & Tools
Computer analysis of the binding properties of the cannabinoids
Decoding the Molecular Dance: In Silico Exploration of Cannabinoid Interactions with Key Protein Targets for Therapeutic Insights
On creating a CB2 antibody for better tracking the receptor
Production of anti-human cannabinoid receptor 2 (CB2) monoclonal antibody using non-viral vector induced human CB2 expressing myeloma as an immunogen
A review of using small molecules to target the CB2 receptor
The progress of small molecules against cannabinoid 2 receptor (CB2R)
A comparison of chemical tools for converting CBD into other cannabinoids
Comparison of Bronsted and Lewis Acid Catalyzed Conversion of CBD Into Other Cannabinoids
On making a CBD film
Preparation and Characterization of Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose/Polyvinyl Alcohol Mucoadhesive Buccal Film of Cannabidiol
On the discovery of cannabidiol crystal polymorph form 2
Prediction and Discovery of Cannabidiol Crystal Polymorph Form 2
Cannabis nanoparticles with antifungal activity
Cannabis extract-loaded lipid and chitosan-coated lipid nanoparticles with antifungal activity
Lipid carriers for nano-CBD
Development and characterization of nanostructured lipid carriers for cannabidiol delivery
An enzyme for creating CBGA
Foldseek reveals a CBGA prenylating enzyme GlyMa_02G168000 from Glycine max
A new assay for discovering cannabinoid receptor ligands
A Robust and Efficient FRET-Based Assay for Cannabinoid Receptor Ligands Discovery
An organometal complex that blocks the CB1 receptor
Structure-Based Identification of Organoruthenium Compounds as Nanomolar Antagonists of Cannabinoid Receptors
- lex
PS: For today’s superb collection of jazz ballads, ‘Wonderful Life’ by Irene Kral. Unfortunately struck down early from breast cancer at the age of 46, Irene Kral managed to release several classic albums. Linda Dahl's 1984 book on women in jazz, ‘Stormy Weather’, said, “Irene Kral had a lovely, resonant voice with a discreet vibrato, flawless diction and intonation… She was a master of quiet understatement and good taste." I particularly love the vibe of ‘Goin to California’.
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