Jun 2, 2022Liked by Lex Pelger WhiteWhaleCreations

Thank you for this great coverage! Is PEA a cannabinoid? How can I get some ? :)

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PEA is a cannabinoid like molecule widely produced in the body & brain. I'll post the definition from my Living Glossary at the bottom.

For getting PEA, there's a lot of good sources. But I'd recommend the CV Defense product from PlusCBD. I've worked with them & I know they make sold products. This one has PEA, CBD & a bunch of other immune boosting ingredients:


Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA)

An endogenous fatty acid amide whose only reason for not being labeled as a classic endocannabinoid is because it doesn’t bind to the CB1 or CB2 receptor - but it’s a hugely important neurotransmitter found in every cell of the body. A long body of work stretching back to World War 2 has found it to be an amazingly safe & effective drug for a number of things related to the immune system. Available as a dietary supplement, this is one of the best-studied cannabinoids in humans. Highly recommended.

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