C&P#78: CBD for peak athletic performance + cannabis for gynecological pain + cannabinoids for cancer symptoms
Hello everyone,
Welcome to the 78th edition of Cannabinoids & the People, a weekly newsletter where I collect all the new cannabinoid science. You can check out last week’s issue here & if you haven’t subscribed yet, please do. Sign up for a paid subscription to support my work disseminating all of the cannabinoid science.
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This a free offering from my company White Whale Creations. I produce educational content for cannabis & psychedelic companies: writing, science archives, social media content, newsletters & podcasts. Here’s my portfolio. Reach out about working together.
I also give one-on-one Cannabinoid Education Sessions with advice about using the cannabinoids for your health.
Read my free How-To Guides, watch my Three-Minute Cannabinoid Science videos or book a session with me here.As always, here’s the Glossary of Cannabinoid Terms & at the bottom is the album of the week.
This week…
CBD for peak athletic performance, neurological disorders & potentially the acute respiratory distress of COVID
The big help of cannabis for gynecological pain
PEA = great
So much on using cannabinoids for cancer symptoms
A free book on cannabinoids for infectious diseases
That hot new paper on the smells of cannabis not being all terpenes
Cannabinoids as a defense against herbivores
On using hemp to make Kevlar, wind turbines & aerospace e-scooters
A request to spread the word
This newsletter only spreads by word of mouth,
so please forward to colleagues & tell your friends & relatives.
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My work this week:
Canna-Education for CV Sciences
(TikTok:@cvsciences or my YouTube playlist 3-minute Cannabinoid Science):
Ancient Egyptian Medical Uses of Cannabis (13k views)
CBC: Cannabichromene
Hemp Extracts & Fatty Acids & Convergent Evolution
Cerebral Palsy & the Cannabinoids
The Burning Question: THC Acid Flower
Lungs: Dry Herb Vaporizers vs Vapes
Advice for Problems with Cannabis
My TikToks (@lexpelgerandhisbooks or on YouTube):
Two Quotes & a Supernormal Book Challenge (a reply to that Quantum Double Slit video that hit 500k views)
6% of physicists for consciousness (a reply to the takedown video of the above)
'The Boy Who Saw True'
'Chaos' by James Gleick
A joke overheard in London (I miss my grandfather. He would have loved this one)
The Importance & History of Memory Palaces
Aphantasia & Memory Palaces
My platforms: Linktree
YouTube for educational videos, lectures & shorts on new cannabinoid science
Anandamide; or, the People: my graphic novel series on cannabis, the endocannabinoid system & the War on Drugs based on Moby-Dick
My podcasts
LinkedIn , Facebook, Twitter & my TikTok on books, hermeticism, science & history
Ways to support this work:
Subscribe on Substack
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Venmo: @Lex-Pelger
PayPal: donate here
Best Of Cannabinoid Science...
Canna-educator Kristen Yoder on her experience of cannabis withdrawal
In public health data from Pennsylvania, people using medical cannabis for anxiety or PTSD after three months had lessened anxiety & reported reduction in medication usage, especially benzodiazepines
Anxiety severity and prescription medication utilization in first-time medical marijuana users
For people living with HIV, the benefit of cannabis & the different experiences in different legal environments
Perceived Risks and Benefits and Frequency of Cannabis Use Among People with HIV in Different Legal Environments
In people with fibromyalgia experiencing chronic nociplastic pain (persistent pain from altered pain processing), their experiences using medical cannabis
Relationship between Nociplastic Pain Involvement and Medication use, Symptom Relief, and Adverse effects Among People using Medical Cannabis for Chronic Pain
In people with functional disabilities, they were significantly more likely to have cannabis use disorder
Marijuana use disorder among adults with functional disabilities-A US population-based cross-sectional study
On PEA as an anti-inflammatory & immune system modulator
Therapeutic Use of Palmitoylethanolamide as an Anti-inflammatory and Immunomodulator
During the recent outbreak of nipah virus in India, the use of cannabis oil as an antiviral mouthwash & oral treatment as well as the consumption of hemp seeds & oil as functional foods
Cannabis sativa: 2023-Outbreak and Re-emergence of Nipah virus (NiV) in India: Role of Hemp oil
Unusually, a clinical study of gender differences (using a metered cannabis inhaler) found no differences in effectiveness, safety or pharmacokinetics
Evaluating Sex Differences in Efficacy, Safety and Pharmacokinetics in Patients Treated with Cannabis by a Metered-Dose Inhaler
A study of dronabinol usage after surgery find doctors only prescribe it in <0.5% of admission
Out of those visits, “Dronabinol was explicitly prescribed for pain management (9.6%, n=24), reduction of postoperative nausea and vomiting (3.6%, n=9), appetite stimulation (5.2%, n=13), sleep (3.2%, n=8) and prevention or mitigation of cannabis withdrawal symptoms (4.0%, n=10) during hospitalization.”
For gynecological pain, a review of using the cannabinoids with 50% reporting a reduction or cessation of painkiller usage
The Place of Cannabinoids in the Treatment of Gynecological Pain
“Cannabis consumers report substantial reductions in pelvic pain, as well as common comorbid symptoms such as gastrointestinal disturbances, mood disorders such as anxiety and depression, and poor sleep. Substitution effects were reported, with >50% reduction or cessation in opioid and/or non-opioid analgesics being the most common.”
For neurological disorders, a review of the therapeutic potential of CBD
Emerging Therapeutic Potential of Cannabidiol (CBD) in Neurological Disorders: A Comprehensive Review
A review of 62 articles using CBD for improving sports performance & metabolic modulation
Effects of cannabidiol on metabolic modulation and improving sports performance: a systematic review
And a review on the genetic variant of FAAH seems to be linked to better athletic performance
FAAH rs324420 Polymorphism: Biological Pathways, Impact on Elite Athletic Performance and Insights for Sport Medicine
And young adults supplementing with hemp during resistance training
Effects of hemp supplementation during resistance training in trained young adults
For the acute respiratory distress of COVID-19, a review on the potential of using CBD as an early-intervention immunomodulator with anti-inflammatory properties
The Potential of Cannabidiol for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome in COVID-19
On the complicated murky web of sperm, cannabinoids, protein folding & chaperone molecules in the male fertility process
Sperm proteostasis: Can-nabinoids be chaperone's partners?
In infectious diseases, a big free book on many aspects of cannabinoids
For oralfacial pain, a review of targeting the endocannabinoid system
The endocannabinoid system and orofacial pains: updates and perspectives
On social anxiety disorder, a review of 18 studies find that while CBD & THC can be helpful at certain doses, they can increase anxiety at other doses
Subjective, behavioral and neurobiological effects of cannabis and cannabinoids in social anxiety
The hot paper of the week: how the smell of cannabis actually comes from a much wider array of flavorants than just the terpenes (nice charts)
Minor, Nonterpenoid Volatile Compounds Drive the Aroma Differences of Exotic Cannabis
This paper has been making the rounds on social media, especially this sexy little chart. I think I’ll be making a TikTok about it.
In a rat model of aging, chronic treatment with CBD protected the lungs & liver by reducing mediators of inflammation, oxidation & apoptosis (programmed cellular suicide)
Protective Actions of Cannabidiol on Aging-Related Inflammation, Oxidative Stress and Apoptosis Alterations in Liver and Lung of Long Evans Rats
In a rat model of memory loss from topiramate (a drug to treat brain diseases), CBD protected memory via the hippocampus & frontal cortex glutamate receptors & CREB/BDNF signaling
Ameliorative Effect of Cannabidiol on Topiramate-Induced Memory Loss: The Role of Hippocampal and Prefrontal Cortical NMDA Receptors and CREB/BDNF Signaling Pathways in Rats
In a mouse model of acute lung injury, CBD reduced systemic & pulmonary inflammation but did cause a slightly higher acute lung injury score
Cannabidiol Reduces Systemic Immune Activation in Experimental Acute Lung Injury
In a mouse model of neuropathic pain from chemotherapy, two weeks of CBG significantly reduced pain hypersensitivity without the formation of tolerance
Chronic Cannabigerol as an Effective Therapeutic for Cisplatin-Induced Neuropathic Pain
In human cartilage, the benefits of the synthetic cannabinoid Win-55,212-2 for inflammation
Influence of the Synthetic Cannabinoid Agonist on Normal and Inflamed Cartilage: An In Vitro Study
An evergreen note on reading restricted papers:
First stop for seeing if there’s a free version of a paper, use the Google Scholar Chrome extension (Mac version), Google Scholar itself or try ResearchGate.
Three other helpful browser extensions are: Unpaywall, Open Access Button & PaperPanda
For the infamous backdoor, use Sci-Hub – the pirated papers repository (Chrome extension here). This works better for older paper than the stuff that just came out.
Finally, email the author. They’re almost always happy to oblige because, thanks to the predatory academic publishing system, they don’t make a dollar off of their papers.
the Headlines & Fav Articles
In the US, 70% now support legalizing cannabis
A report from the Congressional Research Service warns that if the feds set too high a tax on cannabis, it will bolster the black market
Of course it will. And overtaxing the plant is already a sin & a shame. It’s hard enough to create a business in this environment without your customers getting clipped with a vice tax rate higher than for anything else. Plus, it pushes up the prices for all of those people using it medically.
In related news, it’s earnings week… and it’s a blood bath out there
Check out Marijuana Moment for the depressing list of everyone losing millions to tens of millions to hundreds of millions per quarter.
First physical evidence of cannabis use in the modern age in Europe found by archaeotoxicology
Forensic toxicological analyses reveal the use of cannabis in Milano (Italy) in the 1600's
Culture Corner: Barbara Streisand writes about the one night where she tried cannabis for the first time & lost her virginity
Promising news from Vienna on member-discretion under the Single Convention
An analysis of Canada’s legalization finds little changes to cannabis harms & substantial reductions in arrests
Outcomes associated with nonmedical cannabis legalization policy in Canada: taking stock at the 5-year mark
A Brazilian analysis of European medical cannabis laws
Current legislation on medical cannabis in the European Union: historical background, movements, trends, and counter-trends lessons for Brazil
A survey of Taiwan residents on cannabis legalization finds significant concerns, especially about public health impacts
Legalization of marijuana or not? Opinions from over 38,000 residents in Taiwan
The War on Drugs & the End of Prohibition
An analysis of news articles shows the dehumanization of people who use substances
A Linguistic Analysis of Dehumanization toward Substance Use across Three Decades of News Articles
An analysis of the association between medical cannabis legalization & criminal behaviors found nothing in their primary analysis but the 2020 data showed a link to an increased incidence of drug sales, theft & attacks
Examining the Association between Medical Marijuana Legalization and Criminal Behaviors: Evidence from a U.S. Representative Sample
On how to improve the standard field sobriety test to better detect cannabis impairment
Enhancing the Standardized Field Sobriety Test to detect cannabis impairment: An observational study
A not all too convincing article against the Iron Law of Prohibition
Business & Law
On the relationship between retail cannabis stores & neighborhood characteristics
Burden or benefit: Is retail marijuana facility siting influenced by LULU- or gentrification-related neighbourhood characteristics?
On the rise of delta 8 THC in workplace testing
Prevalence of ∆8 -tetrahydrocannabinol carboxylic acid in workplace drug testing
In Canada, cannabis companies pay higher prices for financial audits & are less likely to have their audits done by the Big 4 firms
Cannabis financial statement audits in Canada before and after legalization: A “joint” analysis
Psychedelics, Plant Medicines & Other Psychoactives
On the researchers following up on the chemical creations of Alexander Shulgin
An interview with Madison Margolin about her new book growing up in the underground of psychedelic Judaism
A great thesis project on the complications around psychedelics
The Complicated Existence of Psychedelic Drugs
The Psychoactive Research
[This isn’t a deep dive into the science of psychedelics & other psychoactives like I do for the cannabinoids. If your organization would be interested in a breakdown of all the new psychedelic science, reach out to me]
On difficulties after using psychedelic drugs
Extended difficulties following the use of psychedelic drugs: A mixed methods study
Case analysis of long-term negative psychological responses to psychedelics
How LSD changes connectivity in the thalamus (the information relay center from the body)
LSD-induced changes in the functional connectivity of distinct thalamic nuclei
In people who got one dose of ketamine for surgery, it had no effect in reducing their major depressive disorder
Randomized Trial of Ketamine Masked by Surgical Anesthesia in Depressed Patients
With ketamine, altered states of consciousness mediate the effects on depression
Ketamine's acute effects on negative brain states are mediated through distinct altered states of consciousness in humans
A small dose of ketamine did not change resting-state functional connectivity (RSFC) between the medial prefrontal cortex & amygdala
Effects of a dissociative drug on fronto-limbic resting-state functional connectivity in individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder: a randomized controlled pilot study https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37872291/
The Plant & the History
Cannabinoids as a defense against herbivores
Cannabinoids function in defense against chewing herbivores in Cannabis sativa L.
Growing & Farming
On the organic farming of hemp for fiber
Impact of Organic Cultivation Technology of Fiber Hemp (Cannabis Sativa L) on Soil Agrochemical and Bioecological Properties
A thesis project on how to best dry & store hemp for cannabinoid extraction
Optimization of Drying and Storage Conditions of Floral Hemp for Cannabinoids Extraction
In Turkey, the history and & current knowledge of hemp production
Anatolian hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) cultivation, processing, and production: history and recent observations
A genetic analysis of Moroccan cannabis
Population structure and genetic diversity of Moroccan cannabis (Cannabis sativa L.) germplasm through simple sequence repeat (SSR) analysis
Hemp as food
In livestock guts, CBD helped to lower inflammation
Immunomodulation by cannabidiol in bovine primary ruminal epithelial cells
On making high-quality oil from hemp seed kernels
Optimization and evaluation of a hydration method for producing high quality oil and defatted meal from hemp seed kernels
Industrial Use
On making hemp concrete by replacing the lime with other quarry co-products
Substitution of Lime by Quarry Co-products in Hemp Concrete: Impacts on Mechanical and Thermal Properties
On making Kevlar-hemp composites
Effect of various weaving architectures on mechanical, vibration and acoustic behavior of Kevlar-Hemp intra-ply hybrid composites
And hemp fiber wind turbine blades
Structural performance analysis of hemp fiber-reinforced hybrid composites in wind turbine blade manufacturing
And woven hemp fiber for aerospace & e-scooters
Environmental assessment of woven hemp fibre reinforced epoxy composites and potential applications in aerospace and electric scooter industries
And using hemp waste to make epoxy composites
Fiber and future: Unleashing the power of industrial hemp waste through epoxy composites
A review of CBD's therapeutic targets
Cannabidiol: main mechanisms of action and therapeutic targets
On the genetics & molecular studies of the bioactive compounds of cannabis
Genetic and molecular studies on the accumulation of bioactive compounds in Cannabis sativa L.
Clinical Use, Surveys & Ingestions Methods
On why it's so hard to individualize cannabis treatment
Phytocannabinoids and the individualization of treatment. Why is there no level of evidence?
Adolescents & Young People
Surveys of which cognitive behavioral strategies students would think more likely to reduce their cannabis use
Marijuana Reduction Strategies Self-Efficacy Scale
Adolescents in cannabis abstinence programs with a monitoring requirement had better sleep scores than those who were not monitored
Assessing changes in sleep across four weeks among adolescents randomized to incentivized cannabis abstinence
In young people, the positive & negative consequences of simultaneous alcohol & cannabis use
Characterizing alcohol consumption and positive and negative consequences during simultaneous alcohol and cannabis use events
Interviews with families who use cannabis together & have parents with opioid misuse
“I’ve smoked weed with my daughter”: Cannabis use within families affected by parental opioid misuse
Many parents of teens have gaps in their knowledge about cannabis
What Parents Are Missing: Parental Knowledge of Adult-Use Cannabis Legislation and Health Effects, and Communication with Adolescents
I want to know how I would score on this test.
On the changes of adolescent cannabis use
Gone with the weed: incidents of adolescent marijuana use in the United States, 1976-2021
On what adolescents are now vaping
What Substances Are Adolescents Vaping? Estimating Nicotine-Specific and Cannabis-Specific Vaping from US National Youth Surveys
Neurology & Brain Diseases
A review on the use of CBD for pediatric epilepsy
Cannabidiol for the Treatment of Pediatric Epilepsy
CBD seemed to protect from neonatal brain damage via protein carbonylation
Protein Carbonylation as a Biomarker of Oxidative Stress and a Therapeutic Target in Neonatal Brain Damage
In rats, high levels of cannabis extracts caused changes to the cerebral cortex & lowered white blood cell count
Effect of Aqueous Extract of Cannabis Sativa on the Histology of the Cerebral Cortex of Adult Albino Rat
In a mouse model traumatic brain injury, activating the CB2 receptor with PM289 improved the blood-brain barrier, decreased inflammation & enhanced repair
Activation of CB2R by synthetic CB2R agonist, PM289, improves brain endothelial barrier properties, decreases inflammatory response and enhances endothelial repair
In a computer model of Alzheimer's disease, the cannabinoids seemed to help via binding to the acetylcholinesterase enzyme (involved in signal transmission at neuromuscular junctions)
Computational Study on the Enzyme-Ligand Relationship between Cannabis Phytochemicals and Human Acetylcholinesterase: Implications in Alzheimer's Disease
Mental Health & Substance Use Disorders
How the endocannabinoids modulate fear extinction via connections between the cortex & amygdala
Endocannabinoids modulate fear extinction controlled by a cortical-amygdala projection
A guide to CBD for mental health professionals
Easy as CBD: A cannabidiol primer for mental health professionals
Men with excessively long reaction times may be at more risk for hazardous cannabis use
Sex Differences in the Prospective Association of Excessively Long Reaction Times and Hazardous Cannabis Use at Six Months
Cannabis users can perform better on neuropsychological tests when sufficiently motivated by a motivational statement
The Impact of Motivation on Neuropsychological Performance in Chronic Cannabis Users
On the relationship between childhood trauma & later problematic cannabis use
Mental and Physical Health-Related Cannabis Motives Mediate the Relationship between Childhood Trauma and Problematic Cannabis Use over Time among Emerging Adult Cannabis Users
A thesis project on ghrelin mechanisms around cannabis use disorder
Research on ghrelin mechanisms for the prevention of relapse in cannabinoid addiction
In socially defeated mice, the FAAH inhibitor URB597 lowered or increased anxiety at different doses
Anxiogenic doses of rapamycin prevent URB597-induced anti-stress effects in socially defeated mice
Pain, Inflammation & Surgeries
In public health data from veterans, a downside of cannabis legalization is that for older adults with chronic pain they had an increased likelihood of cannabis use disorder
Chronic pain, cannabis legalisation, and cannabis use disorder among patients in the US Veterans Health Administration system, 2005 to 2019: a repeated, cross-sectional study
A potential downside of cannabis legalisation for older adults with pain
A review of CBD for lower back pain had almost no evidence to go on
Can cannabidiol (CBD) help with low back pain?
In neonatal rats treated with fentanyl & CBD for pain, they had significant sex differences in their later anxious behaviors & pain sensitivity
Long-term Effects of Cannabidiol and/or Fentanyl Exposure in Rats Submitted to Neonatal Pain
Female-specific, Reproduction & Hormones
In adolescents previously exposed to prenatal cannabis, brain scans show differences associated with mental health psychopathology
Prenatal cannabis exposure is associated with localized brain differences that partially mediate associations with increased adolescent psychopathology
A model on infant THC exposure from the mother’s ingestion
Predicting Maternal and Infant Tetrahydrocannabinol Exposure in Lactating Cannabis Users: A Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling Approach
And the strategies pregnant & lactating people used to mitigate the risk of their cannabis use
Pregnant and lactating people's strategies to mitigate the risk of cannabis consumption
And a photo art project by mothers who feel the stigma of using cannabis while breastfeeding
“Digging in”: stigma and surveillance in the lives of pregnant and breastfeeding mothers who consume cannabis
In pregnant women, the four groups who influenced their decision to use cannabis for nausea
Interpersonal Influences on the Choice to Treat Nausea during Pregnancy with Medication or Cannabis
In public health data from California, pregnant people who use cannabis were less likely to miss their well-child visits
Association between maternal prenatal cannabis use and missed child preventive care visits in an integrated health care delivery system in Northern California
The Guts, Metabolism, Oral Health & CHS
A case report of someone who seemed to have cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome which caused leukocytosis (elevated white blood cell count)
A Case of Cannabis Smoking Induced Leukocytosis
In a mouse model of obesity, a new drug that acts as an inverse agonist at the CB1 receptor decreased body weight & combined well with the anti-obesity drugs tirzepatide, semaglutide & liraglutide
Novel cannabinoid receptor 1 inverse agonist CRB-913 enhances efficacy of tirzepatide, semaglutide, and liraglutidein the diet-induced obesity mouse model
The Heart & Blood
A case report of serious arrhythmias potentially from an interaction between cannabis & clarithromycin & theophylline in someone with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome (a congenital cardiac preexcitation syndrome)
Serious Complex of Arrhythmias Post-Combinations of Clarithromycin and Theophylline with Marijuana Smoking in Underlying WPW Syndrome and Malignant Repolarization Pattern
The Liver
In a rat model of liver toxicity, cannabis extracts protected against damage
In a tissue model of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, CBD reduced fatty acid accumulation & inhibited the differentiation of fat stem cells
Cannabidiol and Indole-3-carbinol Reduce Intracellular Lipid Droplet Accumulation in HepaRG, A Human Liver Cell Line, as well as in Human Adipocytes
In a mouse model of liver damage from paracetamol overdose, a drug that activates the CB1 receptor raised antioxidant capacities & promoted anti-inflammation
LH-21, a CB1 antagonist, reduces hepatotoxic damage produced by paracetamol overdose in a mice model
The Skin
In dogs with itchy skin, full-spectrum oral CBD oil did not help
Dermatological evaluation in dogs with atopic dermatitis treated with full-spectrum high cannabidiol oil: a pre study part 1
Cancer & Chemotherapy
Among healthcare professionals at a cancer hospital, the majority supported integrating more cannabis & complementary medicines, though most did not feel they had the knowledge to comfortably discuss cannabis with their patients
Knowledge and attitudes towards medicinal cannabis and complementary and integrative medicine (CIM): a survey of healthcare professionals working in a cancer hospital in Australia
A survey of cancer patients finds that 15% of them we're using cannabis & 40% using CBD products, predominantly for pain relief
Marijuana and Cannabidiol Use Prevalence and Symptom Management Among Patients with Cancer
A survey finds cancer survivors using cannabis as a sleep aid
A cross-sectional survey of the prevalence and patterns of using cannabis as a sleep aid in Canadian cancer survivors
“Over a third of participants (36.3%, n = 125) use cannabis as a sleep aid every day. Among the 344, the most common other reasons for using cannabis were pain (31.4%, n = 108), recreational use (24.4%, n = 84), and anxiety (12.5%, n = 43).”
Australian cancer patients used cannabis for pain, poor sleep & low mood but faced cost barriers & a lack of healthcare professional guidance
Stigma, risks, and benefits of medicinal cannabis use among Australians with cancer
In cancer patients, researchers couldn't demonstrate an anti-inflammatory effect for CBD
Exploring potential anti-inflammatory effects of medicinal cannabis
In a mouse model of neuropathy from the chemotherapy treatment oxaliplatin, CBD-rich hemp extracts showed the strongest efficacy for reducing pain via downregulation of the expression & transport of oxaliplatin transport proteins
Three cannabis products attenuated oxaliplatin induced peripheral neuropathy by inhibiting proteins that mediate oxaliplatin transport
On a neuronal tissue model of neuropathy from the chemotherapy treatment paclitaxel, a number of cannabinoids lowered the neurotoxic effects, suggesting therapeutic pain lowering benefits
Cannabinoids with potential protective role for Paclitaxel treated neurons, preliminary data
In colorectal cancer cells, THC caused cell death
Cell death induction and intracellular vesicle formation in human colorectal cancer cells treated with Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol
In a rat model of leukemia, CBD protected their liver & helped with antioxidation & other measurements
The potential protective and therapeutic effects of cannabidiol oil on experimental Leukemia induced by DMBA in male rats
In ovarian cancer, the endocannabinoids anandamide & 2AG may help to rollback resistance to chemotherapy treatments & present a therapeutic potential for combining with chemotherapy drugs
Reversion of chemoresistance by endocannabinoid-induced ER stress and autophagy activation in ovarian cancer
Cool Chemistry & Tools
The creation of CBD salts
Novel phenolate salts of bioactive agents: Cannabidiol phenolate salts
Making more bioavailable CBD with polycaprolactone microparticles
Polycaprolactone microparticles for the subcutaneous administration of cannabidiol: in vitro and in vivo release
On the characteristics of CBD
Densities and Viscosities of Cannabis Extracts and Distillates, and Densities, Viscosities, Fusion Enthalpy, and Melting Point of Cannabidiol
Testing a radioactive CB2 probe in primates
Evaluation of [18F]RoSMA-18-d6 as a CB2 PET Radioligand in Nonhuman Primates
And another new CB2 probe
Synthesis, Structure-Activity Relationships, Radiofluorination, and Biological Evaluation of [18F]RM365, a Novel Radioligand for Imaging the Human Cannabinoid Receptor Type 2 (CB2R) in the Brain with PET
A new method for detecting synthetic cannabinoids in wastewater
Fluorinated-Squaramide Covalent Organic Frameworks for High-Performance and Interference-Free Extraction of Synthetic Cannabinoids
Researchers love love love the ability to analyze the sewage for how many drugs a community is using.
- lex
PS: This week’s album comes from the pioneering R&B/doo-wop group The Clovers & their LP ‘Love, Love, Love’.
This newsletter is the backbone of my work & it’s my hope that it brought you a measure of value. If you are in a position to support me in writing more, please consider upgrading your subscription.